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Upgrade to the new HTML version of BBO

If you haven’t moved to the new version of BBO yet, please give it a try. We rolled out more upgrades, we fixed some bugs, added some features. There are no limits for free daylongs.

Good news is, you can use this version on your mobile phone or tablet too, and unlike the mobile apps, you can enjoy all the latest BBO features as soon as we roll them out.

Very soon we’ll release a big update bringing back Voice commentary – not just on web, but also on the mobile apps – plus some new stuff you’re going to love.

And that’s not all. As we’re almost done with moving and cleaning up, we’ll add new features, games and focus on making BBO more fun and entertaining. No more re-writes and migrations!

We’ll use your feedback to make this version of BBO the best place to enjoy bridge and spend time with friends from all over the world. So please, let us know what you would like to see on your favorite bridge site, and we’ll do our best to make it happen!