You can play unlimited free bridge with BBO’s robots almost anywhere at You can also earn BB$ prizes, BBO points and ACBL Masterpoints 24/7 in BBO’s premium games (for a fee).
Why play bridge with robots?
1. It’s convenient
Need a 4th? Use a robot to fill in the seat until your friends come online.
No partner? No problem, grab a bot and start playing now or jump into a robot tournament. The robots are up and willing to play 24/7.
You screwed up a slam? Replay it with the bots, see what you could have done differently.
2. The robots are better at bridge than most humans
OK we’ll get some protests over this but seriously: between a random partner whose system and ability is unknown, and a robot who always plays its own, fully disclosed system – which one is more reliable?
Obviously when you have friends online or a regular partner, no robot can beat that!
3. The robot never miscounts and never forgets anything
Declarer plays his long suit and all his trumps at lightning speed. You’re struggling to keep up with what has passed and which card to protect. Well guess what – the robots will never have this issue! They always know.
4. The robots are not unbeatable
Just because they are robots and never “forget” it doesn’t mean they are flawless! They can make mistakes just like any human, and because of their infinite faith in human honesty you can trick them into making mistakes easier than you would fool a human.
5. Robots can teach play faster
Robots can go through thousands of plays and patterns in a matter of seconds. Restart, redeal, undo, play hundreds of deals – all this contributes to building brain patterns and improving your bridge.
Where to play:
- Several anonymous “arcade” style games are available at
- A lot more options are available if you create a BBO account (free!) and login:
- Click SOLITAIRE to explore a large variety of free solitaire style games;
- BBO offers tons of free daily and weekly “daylong” tournaments (some of them with prizes);
- You can train at a bidding table, solo or with your partner;
- BBO’s Robot World and ACBL World include numerous types of robot tournaments, some free, some premium.