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Good Reasons to Join the ACBL

The ACBL is one of the largest organizations representing bridge with membership growing every year. If you haven’t joined yet, consider navigating over to their website and be part of the movement. All it takes is a membership form and you’re part of the club.

Here’s why you should.

1. Access to the ACBL Bulletin

The ACBL Bulletin is one of the top worldwide bridge publications (and certainly one of the most interesting). You’ll only get to read this one if you’re a member. Why bug other bridge players for back issues if you can just get the Bulletin sent straight to you?

2. It Opens Up Access to Worldwide Games

The ACBL organizes and sanctions many bridge games, and not just ones in the United States or North America. If you want to be part of these games (and often at a reduced entry fee), join the ACBL. If not, you’ll lose out on games, Masterpoints and sometimes have to pay more to show up. 

3. Find Teachers and Clubs

It can be hard to find the right teacher or club that works for you, and the first results on Google aren’t always a great fit. If you’re looking out for a teacher or club, the ACBL can help you to connect with their online catalog.

4. The Glorious Masterpoints

Want Masterpoints? Start by joining the ACBL and challenge someone to a duel. (Or, well, a bridge game.)

5. The ACBL Partnership Desk

Bridge is a partnership game, but it’s safe to assume that not everyone who gets to the table will know someone else who plays. For this, there’s the ACBL Partnership Desk who can match you up with another player at a moment’s notice online or off.  

6. Discounts Too?

Many players are also regular travelers: Together with Abenity, the ACBL is able to offer travel discounts (that can include flights and accommodation) for its members in order to make getting to games easier. Members also get an additional discount for their Baron Barclay bridge purchases.

7. BridgeFeed

Feed your head – with bridge.

BridgeFeed keeps an eye on what’s going on in bridge games right now, with updated statistics and news. It’s one of the best places to get your bridge news from, and you can check it right from your profile as a member.

8. Household Memberships

If there’s more than one bridge player in the house, the ACBL has thought of household membership discounts to make playing bridge a little easier. A household membership is great for card playing couples and families who want to introduce their kids to bridge – and everyone part of the blanket membership gets the same benefits.

9. Manage MyACBL

MyACBL is your management portal for statistics, news and sometimes bragging rights. Whether you’re a casual player or take you bridge more seriously, joining the ACBL can be one of the best things you ever do.


Looking for the right link? Find the ACBL membership application and benefits link below.