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(Update) Free Tournaments unavailable between 11AM and 4PM US Eastern Time

We are touched to see so many of you on BBO. However, this unprecedented influx of people makes it difficult for us to keep upgrading and expanding our system to keep up with the increased new traffic. Be sure we are doing our best to catch up and be able to accommodate all players at all hours. Allowing you all to play your favorite game at the same time in an optimal and free way remains our mission, especially during these particularly difficult days for everyone.

Free tournament creation is temporarily unavailable between 11 AM and 4 PM US Eastern Time. Free tournaments scheduled to start within this time interval will be automatically cancelled at start.

We apologize and invite you to play or create your free tournaments outside these hours.

Thank you for your understanding.

What’s the best time to play on BBO

For a more enjoyable experience, without risks of system problems and connectivity issues we recommend you log on Bridge Base Online at off-peak hours: follow the guide here