As of Friday, May 8, we added two more ACBL Daylong tournaments on the schedule.
Daylong fans, you will now see ACBL Daylong (MP) 4 and a brand new ACBL Daylong 18 boards (MP) in ACBL World and in the list of All Tournaments.
Have fun winning ACBL masterpoints at your own pace!
26 responses to “Two new ACBL Daylongs on schedule”
What is the MP cap for the 18 boards ACBL day long?
When can we have sectional?
Need silver points
Where in heck are the limited games? The $30 limited tourney last Sunday, sold 790 players in 3 minutes! Wake up ACBL, we want to play also!
7 minute per board games, please.
Dear sir you have been very kind to provide a good and blessed educative programme to us can’t thank you enough bless you
Constantly adding more and more colorless daylongs is just going to tax the servers even more than they are already. Add another SYC daylong instead – 1 per day isn’t enough. Then offer both at $5 each rather than $6 and I bet you most users would play both.
Monthly silver point game would be nice while we are in this pandemic.
Don’t agree with the other users about a monthly regional. That’s too much and dilutes the value of gold. Maybe every 2 months but it needs to be 24 boards.
Hope someone reads this.
More daylongs = more money to BBO, this is all they care about.
When it is time for the ACBL pairs at 1:15 PM where do I go to start the tournament
will robots ever adjust to players convention card ?
I’m in complete agreement with the person who said that more Silver (Sectionals) and fewer Regionals (Gold) makes sense. Don’t dilute the value of gold in a money grab. But Silver sectionals are super often in clubs – offer them on line.
And I too hope someone reads this.
I need silver points, too.
I need silver points as well!
Since clubs hace formed alliance
Lets make it more attractive for clubs by allowing them to offer star games(silver points)
Syc black
Acbl virtual club silver
My partner aavik3 are having trouble getting in to tournaments Can you please indicate what tournaments we are eligible for We feel we have only made a donation to bb0
My partner aavik3 are having trouble getting in to tournaments Can you please indicate what tournaments we are eligible for We feel we have only made a donation to bb0
I agree with all about silver. Either allow virtual clubs to offer STaC games every other month or have Robot sectionals every other month. A $2 additional fee that goes to clubs primarily would be fine
There are beginner players on BBO–Very little, if any opportunity, to play competitively for beginners. Remember the rookies are the future of bridge! Everyone was once a beginner. We can generate money too!
For the newbies, check out the Virtual Clubs section – many of them are running 499er (and even a few 99er) games.
Need gold Want more opportunities
how to get ACBL World in the bbo
need silver point tournaments! agree.
Yes, neeed silver points!!!!
when are we leaving the tab;le
Where is a set of protocols to follow?
I think the BBO is doin the best they can and I so appreciate them!
My partner and I have been playing everyday in the 18 bd
events and then all of a sudden after we paid our fees and
confirmed as participants have not been allowed to play since.
Can someone explain?
I thought I read that BBO points will now count in the ace of clubs and mini McKinney races. When I looked this month the BBO points I won playing a duplicate master point game with robots are not included. These points seem to be included in my overall master point history. What games do you have to plan to get the pointsTo count in the ace of clubs etc.