All good things come to an end, even the Endless Summer Tournament!
Results are available on ACBL Live.
Approximately 13,000 tables played and won gold and red masterpoints during four days of non-stop bridge in multiple types, sizes and (fruity) flavors.
Congratulations to everyone who participated and well done to the organizers! Feedback, comments, suggestions welcome at [email protected] or [email protected].
Daily bulletins are available, with mini video lessons by celebrity speakers for Intermediate/Newcomer Players.
- Click here for the mini-lessons videos.
- Link to Results
- Thursday, June 25 Bulletin
- Friday, June 26 Bulletin
- Saturday, June 27 Bulletin
- Sunday, June 28 Bulletin
Keep it clean
Like in any important event, cheating is a concern — especially with online play. What are we doing about that?
- ACBL updated their Player Memo to adapt it for online games. When you play against an opponent who you suspect is not using “best practices” in the ethical sense, please file a Player Memo at You may privately text your director as well, but public accusations are not acceptable.
- Following each session, BBO sends top scorers’ results to be manually reviewed by an expert panel.
- You can report suspicious boards, or other irregularities to [email protected]. Mention tournament number and board number, or a link to the board (you can get this from your Recent Tournaments).
- ACBL lined up its own panel of experts to supervise online play.
“I’ve volunteered to be one of the investigators when there is suspicion of Unauthorized Information during online play. There are a lot of factors to consider, not least of which is the suspected player’s experience level.
Accusations of cheating are a serious matter. Anyone can do something strange on one deal; but when a pattern emerges, there is smoke. Where there is smoke, there is often fire. For charges to be filed, more than one investigator has to come to the same conclusion. The game will be better and more popular if we all behave ethically. Big Brother is watching you.” – Larry Cohen
Click here for the schedule.
What else you need to know?
- Make sure your ACBL number is updated at least 24 hours before the tournament starts. If you want to update or renew your number, please click here
- You must have enough BB$ on your account to register. Click here to purchase BB$
56 responses to “Results: ACBL Endless Summer Tournament”
I applaud ACBL for initiating tournaments on BBO for “special” points like the endless summer, however my experience today was disappointing. My biggest complaint is that we played 6 rounds of 3 boards per round while our groupings contained more than 10 pairs. Why didn’t we play 9 rounds of 2 boards/round so that we play a greater proportion of pairs. There are still lots of problems with players not posting their cards and tonight, NO CARDS were visible. Absence of cc slows the game down – if we are going to continue to do tournaments on BBO and I hope we do, there needs to be more rigorous rules around posting of cards. We register well in advance….the Dir. could ask pairs before the tournament to post cards.
I agree! Would not answer when asked. Hard to believe that all if these players really play SAYC. They should at least have their sysrem and carding listed in compatibility shorthand.
On Saturday evening, we could NOT post a convention card at all (and we tried very hard). Ultimately a director told us to just say our general approach and carding at the beginning of each session but I think that is ridiculous, they have been running this board for over 10 years now and they still can’t get putting up convention cards right? That’s absurd.
And at least one director did not support efforts to question a player who did not have a CC card an was very RUDE when asked about at least one bid.
I thank ACBL and BBO for putting this event together. My partner and I enjoyed it and had no issues. I very much enjoyed playing against so many different people from all corners of North America.
As with anything new there will be adjustments and changes made. I personally would like to play more boards.
I enjoyed the 4 days except for getting knocked out for the second round on Saturday. My partner and I were both registered at 2:15, but the tournament started several minutes later without us. no message no refund. Not handled very well.
why are MP not showing up on BBO account
How does one post their CC?
It’s under Account, then Convebtion Cards. You can chose from the standard ones, or edit, create and save unique cards for pairing with different partners, etc
Many like myself are not sure how to fill out convention cards. Just before play, I figured it out and started to list our conventions. I didn’t get them all down but when asked about my discards etc. I answered honestly.
I agree with bunrab’s statement not just here but during regular 18 bd. games at other times as to why we play 6 X 3 instead of 9 X 2 especially when we are in a 14 or 15 table section. Playing only about 40% of the field instead of about 60% doesn’t make sense to me. The time needed for the event would be no different. Hope this can be looked into.
I agree with the others in that any 18 board game should always be 9×2.
The menu of events (while colorful) were a bit too much — and the tournament fee is high for an online tournament. Can this be simplified? My partner and I play almost every day, but for this tournament how do you register for it??? Thanks verry much
I also applaud ACBL for putting on this tournament. Two comments. First it would be nice to have team games (like KO’s). Second, it seemed to me that the overall placement awards (separate from points for finishing in your section) seemed restricted to a smaller than normal number of people. In the session I played in there were over 1000 pairs but overall points were only awarded to about the top 20 (~2%). It seems to me at regular tournaments overall awards are given to about top 10%. Is there something different about this tournament or format?
Many (if not all) of the 2-session events were originally scored incorrectly. I emailed the tournament people about this.
Look at the [Gold Rush] recaps, particularly the “session totals” column.
I just received a “corrected score” from ACBL Live. My overall score (29th place) is correct, but the Recap pages still look abnormal ….. the 2nd “Session Totals” column actually represents a Percentage change, from the 1st session % to the average of the 2 sessions %’s.
How do I join the tournament?
!8 boards? How much more work would 27 boards be? If you can’t do that, how about 2 boards a round? I just played an 18 board 11:15 ACBL daily tournament with 3 boards against Meckstroth. With so few boards luck is too big a factor. As long as we are doing this, I would like to see enough boards for skill to matter. Just sayin’!
totally agree! The element of “luck” should be reduced – especially in a gold points tournament
More boards please. It’s an insult to pay this price for 18 boards. Basically one or two bad results (whether your fault or not) is game over. It isn’t fair. Needs to be 24 or 27 boards like a normal tournament.
It’s a money thing. Fewer boards means they can pack more sessions in and sucker the membership into spending more money. Simple economics.
I don’t understand why there are no responses to the questions asked here. Several people have asked how to register for the Endless Summer tournament, but there has been no response, and I can’t locate it under ACBL World, which seems like the logical place.
Type “ACBLT” in the Search box to find the tournament events (within 2 hours before gametime)
My partner and I have tried unsuccessfully to participate in the Grape Popsicle of this tournament both yesterday and today. We cannot get on. Any help would be appreciated.
Susanna Busico
Hi, the tournaments are under ACBL World. Look for host ACBLTour. Registration opens 2 hours before the start times announced in the schedule.
I believe it would also be helpful to mention you click ACBL not virtual club as we have been doing. There will probably be a lot of newer players or newer to BBO who will not figure that out and miss the tournament.
Also it would help to list start times where you select so you are assured you are choosing the right one.
if i want to play. need to know what Mid-flight means versus Open
I don’t understand why all my opponents received gold points and I received red. What do we have to do to win gold?
Maybe I’m blind but I tried to enter 3 ddifferent events in the Gold Rush Pairs and it said it was restricted by points. Why isn’t that info on the Bulletin, or on the tournament sign screen?
Many people in my club have complained about staring at a screen or sitting too long for more than 20 boards. It’s not a matter of time in setting up the game, it’s a matter of making the experience pleasant for everyone
It is impossible to make something enjoyable for everyone. I am also in favor of 24 to 27 boards. It is simply too expensive to pay $18 for 15 boards. Especially when they are 6 rounds of 3. It becomes a contest of which opponents you drew to play. Missing half the field makes the results too random. We should strive to reduce luck in the game not increase it. So halfway through have a hospitality break to solve the problem of people not liking sitting in front of the screen.
I agree with the more boards or at least 9×2 to play more opps and reduce chance match-ups.
For those not knowing what the mp limits are, they are on the schedule, Open = no limit, any other number is max for that strat.
I strongly disagree with a director call from last night. With whom do I raise the issue or is it too late? Thank you.
Actually, the BBO software should check that the pair has a convention card completed and posted prior to registration before allowing the registration. Actually, it should check during the invitation process and require that the partnership complete a card before accepting the registration, since both members of the partnership must be online to register for the event. This requirement should be applied to all ACBL pairs event. As the ACBL requires a convention card for all sanctioned events.
It’s not fair to play against so few opponents in such a large field. 2 boards each for 9 rounds or 2 boards each for 12 rounds. We need to play more boards in a Regional.
I have seen my fair share of ??? leads and having Big Brother watching for that is a online game saver. I will give you an example (in part). I open 2 clubs strong artificial and forcing, partner bids 3 clubs I bid my suit and partner is first to bid No Trump as we land in 6 NT from his side. He had Qxxxx of clubs and I happen to have one. The lead is a small club from KJx and leaders partner produces the Ace back comes a club, down two. How can the leader come to a club lead w/o unauthorized info?
my partner and i were kicked out of 2nd session of gold rush morning-afternoon We tried to contact directors immediately with no response. we would like our money back. Dorothz and Bentley 12
18 boards is too few and introduces the element of
luck, There should be 9×3 for 27 boards, and a higher
percentage of MP should be awarded based on the size
of the field. There should be a two minute timeout during
the game.
I think having the Regional online is great, wish it were more boards. Even though this was not a regional event it is an ACBL sponsored event, I am referring to the 11:15 am eastern time 18 board tournament. It was 6 rounds of 3 in a fifteen table section. The integrity of these events for 1.5 masterpoints for first in section is in question when you miss playing 9, count them 9 pairs. This is not a contest of skill it is a contest of the luckiest or unluckiest draws. Please ACBL stop debasing the game by allowing this travesty..
I am an ACBL member. How can i qualify to play in this???
the game was not worth the time or the money
To few boards, especially for the price. There should be 27 or at least 24 boards. To cater to players when can’t sit for 27 boards, have a 5 minute break in the middle. The schedule is very inconvenient for West Coast players. There should be double sessions with ~10am and 2pm Pacific start time.
I don’t think the ACBL would allow 3 board a round in a 15 table section in a real tournament. If you are going award real GOLD points then make the conditions as real as possible. 2 boards a round and more boards. 3 bds/rd is a unfair contest and still have to pay $15.
Agree with comments re number of boards, number of opponents, and fees.
Thanks all!
This needs to be 24-27 boards, proper movement, $10 per session. Quit gouging us.
Played one session in the Watermelon Series, partner and I average less than 2000 points, and were Stratified in A where a 68% landed us a 9th place overall and a whopping 2.53 gold. Doesn’t really make it work the price of admission. Probably my first and last online Regional.
The best action would be for the CHAT to be cut off EXCEPT for the directors during play. People say unkind things, e.g. good play partner! when the defense made an obvious error. Further the chit chat of Hi and good luck partner and all this other nonsense is distracting because one’s eyes go to the chat to see if the Dir is saying something important. People say things they would never say in person. Just please shut off the chat except for the directors! All else is immaterial and distracting and frankly useless.
I agree. Cut off the chat in all of the online games except for the directors.
I agree with some of comments made about number boards played. It should be 24 boards like regular tournaments. The price should be reduced to $10.00 per game.
These are good comments.
ACBL should have a blog or Facebook page or something where these are answered.
Time to move into 21st Century.
When will my earned MP show up on BBO?
I enjoyed the 4 days except for getting knocked out for the second round on Saturday. My partner and I were both registered at 2:15, but the tournament started several minutes later without us. no message no refund. Not handled very well.
I hope BBO will use the proceeds of all of this ACBL activity to make the site more stable and functional before adding new features, such as speech. I get dropped frequently now, which rarely used to happen. No pictures in profiles is a step backwards – they helped me remember friends visually. Splitting the system onto two servers is kludgy.
Will the mp won be reflected in bbo?
Had a great time. Thought 18 boards was fine….got it over fast.