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BBO found in books

Bridge for Dummies on BBO

Bridge Base Online is the online hub for playing online bridge – and this means that it’s had its fair share of mentions in books, articles and media over the years.

I always enjoy it when people write about BBO, and it feels a little bit like reading a piece of fiction where the writer gets something personal right about your hometown.

It feels like they know a little something about home, doesn’t it?

I’ve gone ahead and collected some mentions of BBO (found in books).

  • 2/1 Game Force a Modern Approach: For Beginning and Intermediate Players (by Neil H Timm) This book mentions the Fantunes System “as suggested by Gerber Dirkson and played on BBO.” Sure, we’d all like to forget that this ever happened. But it did, and this book gives it a mention as where the appropriate bidding system was used – and well, the online platform where it was applied.
  • Bridge for Dummies (by Eddie Kantar) Bridge for Dummies brought the game of bridge to thousands of people and households – and for that, it remains one of my favorite bridge books of all time. As is the tradition with all of the books from the same series, it includes a wealthy resources list at the end of the book – and here, you find a mention of BBO as a great place to play online bridge.

  • Teach Yourself VISUALLY: Bridge (by David Galt) is another popular self-teaching book series – and while most people are familiar with the programming variety of these books, they also released one for bridge. This one says “Bridge Base Online is free, easy to use, and has many smart features.” Well said!
  • Duplicate Bridge at Home (by Mark Horton; Fred Gitelman) gives a worthwhile mention to Bridge Base Online (and how else?) with the quote: “Compare scores with players of all levels who have played the same deal on Bridge Base Online.” And, well, compare we do.
  • The Everything Bridge Book (by Brent Manley) is a more recent mention of BBO – and in this quote, Manley encourages any appropriately voyeuristic card players in the direction of BBO to watch: Most of the major matches—certainly the world championships— can be viewed live on Bridge Base Online (see Appendix A).”