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The Bridge It Is A-Changin’

Bridge isn’t the same as it used to be, and that’s a good thing.

For a while, the game might have felt like it was a bridge over troubled water instead. We saw declining numbers after the Great Depression, we saw modern cheating scandals not too long ago, and we’ve seen a lot of changes.

If you’ll forgive me the headline’s reference to Bob Dylan, bridge is changing for the better.

Here’s how I’ve seen the bridge world impacted by changes – and why it’s helping the game to spread.

Resources Are Clearer

Bridge resources are much more accessible today than they were before the internet. More than this, bridge resources are clearer, too.

There’s an appropriate bridge lesson or video suited to every single player on earth. Was this true a few decades back?

More Players Are Learning

The amount of active bridge players in the world is on the increase.

More people are learning, more players are playing.

The game of bridge is growing with more interested players each day. It’s like the Bridge Boom, just bigger.

Bridge Myths Are Dying Off

I remember back when bridge was the punchline of old people jokes. (Thankfully, these jokes have become stale over enough time. Now it’s bingo.)

Bridge myths are dying off. 

From the idea that bridge is “hard to learn” through to every old-people-and-bridge joke that’s ever been told, myths are making their way out the door.

Bridge References Are Increasing

I’ve seen more references and nods to bridge in movies, video games, and TV shows over the past couple of years.

It’s something great to see more of out there.

It means bridge is evolving – and becoming known far beyond the scope of people who play it.

Bridge Is Inspiring Entrepreneurship

Bridge is seeing more than just new players. The game is also seeing a lot of entrepreneurship. New ideas, new approaches, new ways to play and teach bridge. Online bridge, offline bridge, and literally everything else.

Bridge Memes Are Everywhere

We live in the era of the meme.

If a subject is notable or popular to humans, we’re going to make memes about it. It could be said that a subject’s impact is measured by its memes.

Bridge memes are on the increase. I’d say that they’re everywhere. Just type the words “bridge” and “meme” into your nearest search engine to find some. (Or, make your own!)

Bridge Is Accessible

When someone wanted to learn more about bridge back in the day, it took a lot more effort. You’d have to know someone who knew someone, and then follow these people to a bridge club.

Information about bridge is more accessible today than it ever was before.

Bridge can be searched for online in a matter of seconds. From there, you can find thousands (if not more) websites, videos, lessons, and more. Accessibility has meant that bridge is easier for others to find.

What changes have you spotted from playing bridge back in the day?