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Varieties Of Bridge

What’s the first type of bridge you can name?

There’s a lot more to the game we know as bridge than just auction or contract.

Different versions of bridge includes Just Declare, Video Bridge, and other forms such as Honeymoon Bridge. I suppose that the list might also include Strip Bridge depending on how well you know your card-playing friends. I’m not judging here.

There are more varieties of bridge than you can throw an Ace at. Bridge Base Online is home to more than just a few.

Want to dip your deck into other forms of our beloved bridge?

Here’s more the different types of bridge you can play, what makes them different to regular contract/auction, and where to find the rules.

Bridge Master

Bridge Master is an earlier piece of bridge software that many veteran bridge players will know. If you don’t, it’s a good start to introducing a player to another form of the game – and it will improve how you can handle yourself at the table as declarer.

See, Bridge Master focuses on Declarer play bridge puzzles at several difficulty levels

If you pay attention, you’ll learn something. If you don’t pay attention, the bot will tell you, and you’ll probably still pick up a few knowledge bits.

Powered by BBO, players who don’t know Bridge Master can imagine it as the opposite of Just Declare.

Bumblepuppy Bridge

Bumblepuppy Bridge is an invention by player Justin Laderman – and it’s worth your time if you are trying to introduce yourself or anyone else to the game for the first time.

What would the average game be like if you removed the object of scoring, and just played for simple tricks?

The answer is easier to introduce.

Honestly, that’s what makes Bumblepuppy Bridge a great first introduction. Play it alongside Just Declare for an even better introduction to tricks and cards.

More information about Bumblepuppy Bridge is available from Master Point Press


HOOL is another type of bridge that was designed with the idea of teaching in mind.

What’s different?

Aspects like scoring (and things like bidding) have been heavily simplified for the first-time player. HOOL is even ideal for the players who haven’t picked up a card deck in a while, but used to play at some point in their lives.

If Bumblepuppy Bridge or Just Declare haven’t resonated with you enough, try HOOL.

Just Declare

Oh, yeah, Just Declare.

It’s been mentioned several times so far, but I will assume that not everyone who reads this will be familiar with Just Declare.

Just Declare is bridge, with the bidding chosen for you.


It’s quick, it’s fun, and it’s great for learning a trick or two.


Minibridge is yet another teaching form of bridge that’s meant to be faster than your average daylong bridge tournament.

This type of bridge was developed in the Netherlands and France, and also omits bidding from the game. For players sharpening their card skills, Minibridge can gain you speed. Play often, get better faster.

What’s your favourite type of bridge when you aren’t playing contract?