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New Things For Your Bridge Game

A common saying says that the best things in life are free.

I’d like to argue that the saying isn’t entirely accurate, or fair.

One, there’s certainly a better way to say it, and two, there’s a way to relate the topic to bridge.

What if the best things in life are new? We build our memories and experiences on new things. We remember our firsts, and either love or loathe the firsts of others. New things stick as either great, terrible, or somewhere in the middle. New things allow us to learn.

So, if you wanted to improve your bridge game, shouldn’t you look at some new things?

Here’s how to seek out New Things For Your Bridge Game.

1: New Bridge Videos

New bridge videos are uploaded to the internet every day.

If you want to freshen up your bridge techniques, make it a date to view a newly uploaded bridge video at regular intervals.

Sometimes you’ll find lessons, other times you’ll find recorded games or bridge trivia.

It’s something new every time, and that’s the whole point of it!

2: Try A New Variety Of Bridge

There are enough types of bridge out there that even veteran players will find one they have not yet played.

Just Declare, Bridge Master, HOOL, Minibridge, Bumblepuppy Bridge, Cutthroat bridge, and honeymoon bridge, games with GIB (or games without)… I’m sure you get the idea.

Again, it’s something new, and – you guessed it! – that’s the point.

3: Kibitz New Bridge Clubs

Especially with online bridge games rising in popularity even more now, there’s a lot of resulting good news for players.

New bridge clubs – or at least, ones you haven’t heard of yet – are out there. Find some of them through your chosen search-machine (and get in touch).

Clubs are a wealth of resources, and potential other players to share the table with.

It’s easier to find bridge clubs and resources today than at any point before in history. That’s a golden opportunity that no smart bridge player would waste!

4: Read New Columns

New bridge games are played daily, and that also often means these games get written about in bridge columns of the world.

Reading a daily bridge column is like kibitzing games from a time machine. It allows you to see someone else’s game at a further glance, where you can pick it apart as much as you like. And of course, it’s good for your bridge.

Remember to check out smaller bridge club websites, too. They’re often great places to find postmortem writing about games that have been played in the club.

5: Study New Conventions

There are so many bridge conventions out there that I daresay no bridge player would be able to learn them all. That shouldn’t stop any learning bridge players from trying!

Choose a fresh convention every week or month, and add it to your memory banks.

Yes, it counts as new, and yes, it helps your bridge.

Good luck!

What new things do you look up to improve your bridge?