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Ways to wear your bridge game

Are you the type of bridge player who wears their heart on their sleeve, and their love for bridge as an accessory?

One of my favourite parts about club games and tournaments is the pictures. Browsing through photographs of bridgeurs at play, of champion teams, and of travel to the club (or local sights on the way) is undeniably as part of bridge as the term trumps.

Many bridge players wear their bridge enthusiasm in one form of another. Hats, cuff-links, or badges representative of your love for the game can be a great accessory for club games (or online bridge selfies).

Here are a couple of different and creative ways to wear your bridge game.


Cufflinks are classic, even though you don’t often see them around anymore. Resurrect the idea of cool cufflinks and wear a pair to your next bridge game. There are plenty of them out there with interesting card-playing themes – and if you’re feeling lucky, wear an Ace.


Earrings are just as classic as cufflinks, and don’t necessarily require holes in your ears if you don’t want to go that fear. Earrings can be small, or bulky and eccentric – and they can often be card-themed.

Hat Pins

While an entire card-themed top hat might be too much for some players, there’s no rule against hat pins unless airport security stops you over the sharp bit at the end. Wear your hat pin with pride, and let everyone know that you love bridge.


As a writer, I’ve always loved wearing rings just for an added accessory to look at while typing. As a card player, I’ve always liked the same. Do you have any special card-themed rings – or would you like to get one? Wear it to your next game!

Charm bracelets

Charm bracelets almost always tell a story in charms. When another memory is made (or game is played), another charm gets added to the chain. Charm bracelets and bridge are a great mix – especially for keeping track of the places you’ve been.


Necklaces come in a thousand different varieties. Bulky and eccentric, modern and sparkly, antique, rustic. Some necklaces might even be steampunk or Victorian – and I imagine that many bridge players have something they treasure. Need some good luck for the game? Wear a special card necklace!


Shirts are more of a necessity than an accessory unless you’re playing a particularly strange bridge game. But there are many shirts that represent a love for bridge (or cards in general) that could be the perfect thing to wear for your next game. Wear them everywhere else, too!

Piercings (other)

Bridge accessories can also be worn into the body, rather than as an outward accessory. (Hint: I’m talking about piercings.) From the tragus to the belly piercing, you can surely find a body modification option that speaks to the cards (if you’re into that).