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The Tarot Session (& The Bridge Game)

Tarot and bridge are related arts, and I’ve always found myself studying both.

It’s only recently, though, that I realized that the tarot reading session looks much like the bridge game at a glance.

The Tarot Session Versus The Bridge Game

First, the atmosphere has to be right for the session. The good tarot reader ensures that their seating is comfortable, and that their table is straight (and makes no strange noises or movements).

Second, the cards have to be right. Tarot readers have a preference for certain card decks they trust, and so does the average bridge club. Even though they are from different worlds, readers and bridge players take the same excellent care of their cards.

And third, what about the lighting? Lighting is essential. Tarot readers prefer well-lit spaces just as much as the next person, and I’m sure that bridge players would consider lighting of the utmost importance at a bridge club, too. You want to see what’s on the cards.

The tarot reader takes the position of the tournament director. They are the ones dealing the cards, and dealing with the people seated around the table.

Next, both bridge games and tarot sessions involve the aspect of the shuffle. If you don’t shuffle, nothing is random. The good tarot reader knows a couple of ways to shuffle the cards – and the good bridge player knows the same.

The reading of the cards from there relies on suits, numbers, and strengths.

The Reading’s Question – Or The Bid?

Bridge players count high-card points, but tarot readers might look at different elements – how cards relate to the question.

For tarot readers, the question is asked by the client. But for bridge players, the question of the reading is the contract bid. That’s what your tricks are trying to give an answer to.

Bridge players have nuances in their bidding styles and tricks. Tarot readers in different parts of the world have their own way of doing things, too.

Is Tarot Always Esoteric?

Do you have to believe in the fortune telling aspects of the tarot deck to study tarot? I’ve never imagined belief to be a requirement.

Many embrace the mystical parts of the tarot deck, but some aren’t that into it. That’s okay. You can still appreciate the tarot for its base as a card deck!

Every tarot deck you’ll hold is like having an art gallery in the palm of your hands. Just for this single aspect, I recommend every card player out there to own or study at least one tarot deck in their lifetime. How well do you know the Rider-Waite?

Tarot also exists minus the fortune aspect, and the original game of tarot is a trick-taker, much like the game of bridge. If you haven’t played it yet, try it. You’ll almost immediately feel the link between this trick-taker and others.

Even when cards are read for fortunes, you can find some truth or wisdom without the need to view it as mystical at all.