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6 small things you can do for more comfort at online bridge

There are a handful of things every player expects an online bridge game to be when they join the table.

An online game or tournament should be instant and convenient. It should also be comfortable, or players might have their attention on the rough chair pillow (or the creaky table) rather than the cards.

Many of the elements surrounding online bridge and comfort are in control of the player.

How you hold your smartphone, how you take care of your health, and what you’re sitting on are all some of the things that control comfort at online bridge. But these are things the player might be able to change for a better game.

Almost every player out there has something they might do to make them feel more at ease before playing. Try some of these to make yourself even more at home on BBO.

Here are 6 small things you can do for more comfort at online bridge.

1. Add a smartphone/tablet stand

A smartphone (or tablet) holder seems like a small accessory, but one that makes a big difference. A lot of the discomfort you’ll feel during bridge is the strain from moving (or having to support) your smart device.

Cut out the discomfort, and place your bridge game on a stand where you can bid, play, and see with more ease.

2. Guard your wrists & elbows

Strain from online bridge gets felt in the joints. It’s the same with an office job, or with gaming, sweeping, and most repetitive motions that use joints.

Use guards for these wrists when you play. It’s one of the secrets to reducing joint strain overall – and you’ll notice from the first game that it’s more comfortable.

3. Set screen sensitivity

Smart devices can have a hair-fine trigger at first setup.

This can be changed, usually under Settings > Screen Sensitivity.

Set your screen sensitivity to something else if you would like it to be either less or more responsive to your clicks and sweeps.

It’s a setting that I recommend to most players.

4. Use accessibility features

Smart devices and computers usually have built-in thingies called Accessibility Features.

They’re meant to make things easier for impairment and disability, but they’re useful for anyone. It’s just that most people don’t know these settings are there.

Navigate to Settings and look for them.

You’ll find things like screen readers (text-to-speech), font enlargement, colour adjustment, and screen magnifiers here if your device has it.

Sometimes, it’s useful for that bit of added comfort.

5. Invest in quality accessories

“Accessories” is a different concept for every online bridge player.

Some will spend more on their mouse-and-keyboard, while others value their headphones and webcam the most.

Whatever your chosen accessories for online bridge, buy the good ones. In fact, buy the best ones you can afford – especially if you value comfort, or produce content that others enjoy too.

It can only make things better.

6. Pay more attention to seating

Are you sitting comfortably?

That should be asked before the start of every game. If the answer is no, do something about it, or face the consequences of an uncomfortable game.

Online bridge means that it’s up to YOU where you sit down to play it. Invest in a decent chair, proper pillows, or even a gaming chair if you have the budget and want to play more comfortable games.

Pay more attention to seating. It’s for your own comfort.