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Firsts you’ll experience playing online bridge

The first time something happens generally sticks in a person’s memory. People tend to attach a lot of importance to their life’s firsts – and that’s why we have memories about the first time we hear a song, notice a person, or visit a location.

Do you remember your first time playing bridge?

What about your first memories of playing online bridge?

Online bridge has a lot of firsts for many who play it. Here are some of them you might yet have to experience (or might already have):

Your first instant online bridge partner

Bridge partnerships formed online can be done in the click of a button. At some point, you’ll be matched up with someone you don’t know yet – and that’s your first experience right there.

It’s amazing, isn’t it?

Your first dropped connection

Dropped tables (usually due to your connection) isn’t fun, but happens – and might happen to you.

Restart your device, restart your router, move to another spot in the vicinity with better signal, or fire your network carrier and choose a new one. All that depends on how bad (and how often) it happens after the first connection problem.

Your first bot bridge opponent

There’s a first time for everything, and there will be a first time for playing against a bridge bot. How do you find it?

Challenging, usually. But it’s part of what keeps great bridge players on their feet!

Your first online table-deserter

At least once or twice, you’ll be really into the game, thinking about the next move – and then someone will exit the table and leave the game hanging.

It’s fun for nobody, but emergencies can happen, and you’ll see this one take place at some point.

It sucks, but there’s still always a first.

Your first big win (Or Loss)

Online bridge doesn’t often end in a tie. You’ll win the game, or you’ll lose it.

The first big win (or spectacular game loss) stands out to a player. While you might not remember exactly how the game went for the rest of time, you’ll remember exactly what it made you feel like.

Keep a detailed diary of online games if you want to keep the memory safe for longer.

Your First Reported User

Have you ever had to report another online bridge user for inappropriate behaviour, plays, messages, or comments?

Hey, it happens.

When you see something cross an ethical or social line, report it and let administrators take care of it before it happens to anyone else.

Your First Celebrity Bridge Experience

The story goes like this: You’re playing bridge for a while, and one day you spot a name you recognize from a book cover or bridge site.

Could it be?

Usually, yes.

That’s your first celebrity bridge experience. You’ll remember it forever, and you might have more than just a first during your time at the table.

Have fun! Play well.