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A bridge hand (read as tarot)

Bridge and tarot are two closely related arts, and I’ve always wondered what would happen if a bridge hand were to be read as a standard tarot session.

While I’ve done hundreds of readings with both tarot and standard playing card decks, I’ve never read a bridge hand. Now seemed like the perfect time!

Here’s what happens when a random bridge hand from Just Declare gets interpreted as a tarot reading.

The bridge hand

Reading the hand

Traditional tarot readings require what’s called a spread.

It’s how the cards are packed, with each section (or card) representing a specific area of the question. A common three-card spread has them drawn for Past, Present, and Future.

For this reading, let’s assume that the suits (4) represent these reading elements:

  • Spades = The Question
  • Hearts = The Past
  • Clubs = The Present
  • Diamonds = The Future

Interpreted meanings for the cards and suits in this reading are from Serena Powers’ Playing Card Meanings, used with permission and available here.(

When cards are read, meanings should always be taken as relative to the question. I’ve tried to do this below, and recommend that you keep this in mind if you ever read your own cards.

The meaning

Every reading needs a question first. Let’s suggest, “What’s my bridge game going to be like this month?”

Here’s what an interpreted Just Declare hand has to say about it:

Spades – the question

An ambitious man or person

Six: Small improvements

Two: Gossip or difficult changes

Relating to the question, it appears that I am an ambitious person hoping to make small improvements – and it’s either going to be difficult to improve my bidding, or people are already gossiping about how bad it was in the past. Well…

Hearts – the past

A close friend
Relating to the past, this could refer to past bridge partners or opponents. Did I used to practice more? Have I focused less on the bidding part of things, and that’s what led to this question?

Clubs – the present

A reliable friend
Jealousy or greed
The happiness card could mean unhappiness with my current bridge game. I’m not sure about the jealousy and gossip cards, however, even after racking my brain for a potential meaning. Leave a comment if it seems clearer to you!

Diamonds – the future

A partying or gossiping person
Dishonesty or a relative
Fortunate changes
Problems in a second partnership

Oh, dear. The cards point to more gossip somewhere – although fortunate changes. I would hope any positive changes in the future refer to the improvement of my bridge game!

Problems in a second partnership can only mean that I might have to screen several bridge partners before finding an appropriate fit…