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Reading More Bridge Newsletters

Bridge newsletters are one of the greatest resources a player can discover. A newsletter isn’t just for recording current events, but might contain many other useful things for the bridgeur.

Letters, bridge puzzles, post-mortem dissections of past club games, and trivia: All of this could be just one click away.

Read more newsletters!

It supports clubs, players, and the game itself.

Here’s where to look for some of the best, regular bridge club newsletters – and their back-issue archives.

Hamilton Bridge Club

Hamilton Bridge Club is located in New Zealand, playing bridge since 1952. Membership is listed as approximately 280 strong at the time of writing, with players from around Auckland.

Their newsletter is released four times per year. See their website or get in touch for previous issues.

North Shore (Sydney)

The North Shore Bridge Club provides bridge to players in Sydney and surrounds.

Their newsletter appears bimonthly, available as PDF downloads by following the link to their archive. Watch for their take on club happenings, interesting hands, and relevant thoughts on international bridge.

Regular features include a section for newer bridge enthusiasts, and game updates.

Redwood Bridge Club

Redwood Bridge Club is located in Balboa Park, San Diego.

While their website appears simple to navigate, the good bits are to be found in their newsletter. See the archives for newsletters dating back to 2019 in PDF format.

Newsletters are a couple pages each, dealing mostly with local bridge news and less with game analysis. Want to see inside someone else’s bridge world?

This is a fun, local take. It’s like being right in town.

The London Bridge Centre

Did you know there’s a London located in Canada? Well, now you do!

The London Bridge Centre (LBC) hosts regular games online and face-to-face for members. Their website is a fascinating look at local bridge culture – and even beyond the newsletter, you’ll find something interesting for you.

See the newsletter link for the archive, viewable in PDF.

Welsh Bridge Union

The Welsh Bridge Union (or WBU) is the National Bridge Organisation for Wales. With a rich history and vast membership, their website is a great place to stop by on your bridge travels.

Visit the link, and view newsletters in PDF format.

Newsletters contain information about bridge seminars, analysis of famous games, and regular bridge humour and “blast from the past” segments. Surely, a great read!