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Have you seen these movies from the tabletop gaming world yet?

If you’ve been reading the BBO Prime Column for a while, then you might have already spotted regular references to movies and TV throughout. When a film or television show references cards or the tabletop, I enjoy giving other bridge players a lead in the right direction.

Bridge references are hiding everywhere in popular media, from The Simpsons to Fargo. All you’ve got to do is find them. Tabletop references come from the same world, where players are frequently fans of several.

Have you seen these movies from the tabletop gaming world yet? Add your own recommendations for the bridge player on the lookout for movies to add to their playlist!

A hard day’s night

A Hard Day’s Night doesn’t seem like a tabletop movie from any angles, but the quintessential Beatles-flick has a clear appearance of a mysterious card game that puts it on this list.

None of the Beatles ever said what the four-player game on the train was, but suspicions scream that it’s a trick-taker. I’d even go as far as to say that the game might be bridge.

Watch it for the card scene, and watch it because it’s a great movie.

After you’re done, delve into the other movies starring the Beatles. Everyone, eventually, has their favourite!

Dirty tricks

Dirty Tricks is a bridge documentary that any tabletop enthusiast will want to see, especially if they’ve been watching the news for any cheating scandals from sports.

The story follows Lotan Fisher and his journey from bridge-playing prodigal son to questionable card cheater. Worth watching, even if you think that you might know the story – and worth recommending, even to friends who don’t yet play bridge.

Murder, bury, win

Murder, Bury, Win is an independent dark comedy that revolves around a group of friends and a crowd-funded board game.

When their fund fails to put their game into production, they are contacted by a famous games creator with an interest in their concept. There’s an unfortunate catch: He’ll publish it, but with full credit to his own company.

How do you think their meeting goes from there?

Very, very badly, and that’s why there’s a great plot. Watch if you’re a fan of the tabletop, or enjoyed movies like Clue. The whole thing is filled with dark board game references, though gets gruesome.

Now wait for the scene with the cheese-grater.

The bridge partner

The Bridge Partner is a short film release, originally made for the purposes of a film festival. Not all good movies are lengthy and released on the circuit – and if there’s one I’d recommend you go digging for, it would be this.

What happens if you suspect that your partner is just a little unsettling?

For a short horror movie, it’s an uncomfortable premise. The story takes that uncomfortable premise, and then picks at it just a bit more until it bursts open.

Available for free, The Bridge Partner goes for further than a simple jump scare and manages to go weird.

Well done.


One response to “Have you seen these movies from the tabletop gaming world yet?”

  1. Anonymous

    The Bridge Partner was really good, great recommendation!