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Switching Partners: 3 Signs It’s Time For a Change

There are some sporting partnerships that’ll be written about in future card history books for decades to come. A handful of legendary bridge partnerships even have their names mixed together in the style of celebrity couples, just because they’re that good at bridge.

But what if your bridge partnership wasn’t made in heaven, but forged in the fires of Mount Doom – or created in the depths of hell?

Bridge partnerships can outgrow one another. Card couples can lose interest in the playing habits (or for that matter, the conversation) of their fellow cardist. It doesn’t mean their interest in the game has changed… Just, occasionally, that they would rather play it with someone else.

There’s no reason to feel bad when a partnership doesn’t glide right. It happens.

Here are 3 signs it’s time for a change in your bridge partnership.

1. When Missed Games Become A Habit

Missing one game isn’t a disaster by any means. But missing several games at short notice becomes an inconvenience for two people – and sometimes, the whole playing club. What are you going to do then?

Whether their behaviour is intentional or not, making a habit of missed games will mean that it’s time to talk.

More missed games on top of this, and I’d recommend that players find another partner.

2. When Excuses Become Grander

Is your bridge partner coming up with increasingly elaborate excuses why they can’t see you at the bridge game? It ties in with the first point in this article: missed games as a habit. (Hint: it’s not an excellent sign for any bridge coupling.)

If they’ve been late to bridge games eight times this year because their house was on fire or their swimming pool exploded, it might be time to move on. Find another bridge player to partner up with!

3. When Everything Becomes Different

If your partner manifests with progressively worse playing, ask them about it. Sometimes, it’s stress-caused – or they might just have been distracted for the games in question. Declining scores might be a sign of many different things.

Does play change, and conversation become awkward and drawn out?

If you feel like their heart isn’t involved in the game anymore, it could be a sign that it’s time for change.