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5 Documentaries that’ll change how you play bridge

While documentaries about bridge might come to mind first, there are many great documentaries on other topics that I believe can be influential to your bridge playing.

Everything you learn can be useful somewhere else in life. It’s how skills work. As a copywriter, I’ve learned quite a great deal of things about fixing toilets (and buying insurance) that I never thought I would.

I’ve also learned a lot about timing from nature documentaries. Just like bridge, nature requires patience and observation (and opponents might come at you with claws and teeth).

Are you a fan of documentaries? Dig in. While these aren’t all about the game, these great documentaries films can expand the scope of what you know. That’s good news for anyone who enjoys the challenge of playing cards.

Here are 5 documentaries that’ll change how you play bridge.

1. Mutant

Mutant is a 2021 documentary that details the life of rapper and artist Isaac Mutant. Famous for heavily controversial lyrics and faster speech-delivery than most sports commentators, Mutant is more than good (and closer to Godlike).

Why is it important for bridge players to see?

It’s a glimpse into a whole different world. Playing cards aren’t just for clubs, but count as powerful objects almost everywhere.

2. My Octopus Teacher

My Octopus Teacher is an award-winning, astonishing documentary about the relationship between a diver and an octopus. Don’t let that be the only reason you see this. The documentary shows the entire journey of how they get to know one another.

What does it do for bridge players?

Get to know your bridge partners (and opponents) as well as the videographer gets to know his octopus. Patience is rewarding.

3. Inside Bill’s Brain

if you’re a fan of bridge, then you’ve heard of the contributions Bill Gates has made to the game. Donations to bridge causes and general promotion of the game are just some of them.

Inside Bill’s Brain isn’t about bridge, and doesn’t dip into the topic of the game much. But Inside Bill’s Brain is still on the viewing list for bridge players who would like to keep their brain healthier

It’s a look at neurology, health, and examining one’s own risk factors.

4. Secrets of the Playing Card

Secrets of the Playing Card is from the History Channel – and before you’ve said anything, be assured that this is one of their better documentaries.

If you play bridge, then I’ll have a wild guess and say that card decks are attractive to you. For the art, for the feel, for what they bring to the table. Secrets of the Playing Card explores some of the conspiracy theories around playing card decks.

While you’re watching the History Channel, consider a documentary about Bigfoot.

5. The Secret World of Professional Bridge

The Secret World of Professional Bridge is worth watching if you’d like a peek into private, higher-stakes bridge clubs of the world. While the short documentary film has content that might be considered dated by today’s standards, it’s still one that I enjoy watching often.

Why should readers see it?

Bridge is diverse, and increasingly so. Understanding it from different sides of the table is essential to becoming a better player.