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You hold… (#1)

Have a go at this interesting deal from a previous Bidders Challenge contest. Submit your vote, see what the community bids are, and may the comments unleash (joking, keep it civil please! )

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78 responses to “You hold… (#1)”

  1. leszek jarzab

    partner I have got18-22 hcps monosuiter !d +6!d possible without suit +4 cards beside if your hand has values we will slam try so describe your hand/shape pls

    1. Anonymous

      AFTER 2NT OUR partner should now that we dont have 4H and 4C because we could bid that showing him points , we also dont have spades so he have to know about our shape. After 2NT he can easly say 6D if he have point

  2. Vinod Gadkari

    2 losers so slam not possible

    1. Joseph Grill

      1S is 6+ HCP. No upper limit. Not 6-9. Partner could easily come up with the necessary pieces for a slam.

  3. Anonymous

    every bid is a gamble as partners hand is practically unknown as well as unlimited. At IMPs I have to make sure of the game bonus so bid the most likely game while leaving partner options. At MP the question is much more difficult

  4. Anonymous

    2nt I hope 18/19 any shape. After I can show my 6D+ suit anyway.
    I don’t want to lose easy slam

    1. Ove Johansen

      After your 2 NT bid you can sit till next week to bid your Diamond after p has passed.

  5. Anonymous

    slam not possible as partner is showing 6-9 points . best option to go for game 3nt

    1. Joseph Grill

      1S is 6+ HCP. No upper limit. Not 6-9.

  6. Anonymous

    I think 2nt 18/19 any. There still time to show my 6D+ I hope. 3D can be a worse hand than this hand. 3nt squeeze the sequence I think. If holder dosen’t think to play some slam or dosent see any slam potentiation than he/she may choose to play 3nt and can bid. I don’t want to lose slam and ı hope P does not going to bid pass to my 2nt, if P pass to it that’s mean has nothing, but one chance we can miss easy 3nt 🙁 . Some times happen.

  7. Ramazan Çınar

    Şlem oynama ihtimalimiz çok yüksek…Ortağımın elini daha iyi anlamak isterim…O nedenle de pass olmayan bid şart

  8. jukmoi

    3NT. Gazilli 2C would be nice here. I don’t want partner to pass below game and I don’t want to invent nonexistent suits.

    1. Anonymous

      it is good bid to prevent loss of game.

  9. Squirrel Butler

    Not sure why one commenter is saying partner is showing 6-9 points. The 1 S response is anywhere from 6-16 points, right?

  10. Squirrel Butler

    Slam is possible. Partner’s hand is not limited to 6-9 points (what system is that from??). Partner showed 6-15 or 16 points with the 1S response

  11. Jagat Kandoi

    3D is not forcing and if one was to pas the 3D bid, it would be a shame. 2NT bid on the other hand is showing 18/19 points and does not necessarily show an interest in playing only NT. The other alternates could be 3NT at the cost of losing slam. Partner has shown 6+ points and at least 4 spades. He is not limited to 9 points as someone else commented. And so a slam is worth exploring.

  12. Anonymous

    Partner can have as little as 6 points. I must make a forcing bid to game. 3 diamonds doesn’t show the strength and could be passed. 2nt shows a balanced hand. I would bid 3nt. If partner has an opening hand it is up to him to continue towards slam. If not I would rather play at 3nt, especially in MP’s.

    1. Depends on system what 1S means. Clear Slam potential. Whatever bid is forcing again depending on system. Most people would be taking 3D as forcing

  13. Anonymous

    Partner has 6+ hcp and we most likely have game…maybe slam…if he has the other Ace. To find out bid 4NT.

  14. Anonymous

    This is the classic hand with no rebid. You need to force to game. 3D and 2NT are non-forcing. 3NT classically shows long running diamonds and 12-16 or so – a sort of gamble.

    If you had 3 spades, you could bid 2H comfortably. Then if partner raises H, he must have 5 spades (with 4-4, he would bid 1H, not 1S), so you go back to spades and now partner knows what’s up.

    But if you have discussed these kinds of auctions with partner, you can bid 2H here, anyway (needs to be alerted as may or may not have H). With 4 hearts, partner will raise to 3H with a good hand or bid 2NT and then plan to rebid 3H with a weak hand (he should never bid 4H). You can bid 3NT over 3H or 2NT to show this hand — H was phony, you don’t have 3 spades (else you’d bid 3S, not 3NT), you have a better-than-minimum reverse, and you must have good, long diamonds as a source of tricks.

  15. I still open this 3NT, as was approximately the system-bid for this sort a half century ago in a few [!] systems. As a REBID, we are the spade ace heavy, and the diamond jack light–the price we pay for switching to the 3NT opening as a pre-empt.

  16. Anonymous

    as i would have opened 2nt, the problem would not arise (though other problems might)

  17. Anonymous

    as i would have opened 2nt, the problem would not arise (though other problems might)


    I bid 3C because I want to force to game


      Is this the Bill who lived in Atlanta??? Bob Duval ([email protected])

  19. Bhalchandra

    3N, assuring min game catering to weak hand as well. if P is better, he will work out and join D to take thr auction forward

  20. Anonymous

    je hebt 19 ptn ; dus 2 NT

  21. Anonymous

    2nt show 18/19, 3nt ssow 20+, but its unbalancec , so go to 4NT, blackwood

  22. Anonymous

    you only need to know where 1A is and 2 Ks and your partner replied , They must have some or all missing cards

  23. Anonymous


  24. Dan Branscum

    a 2nt response shows 18+ balanced hand, in my understanding. so eliminate that and go to game.

  25. Stephen

    Forcing bid – Look at the slam option – if partner doesn’t have the ace clubs (though has bid them) then stop in 5NT if partner has Ace look at kings stop in 6NT.. I’d rather be in a slam than miss it… I prefer bidding 4clubs for aces rather than 4nt though more room.

  26. Anonymous

    With 30 seconds to think in express tourneys I probably bid 2NT.

  27. AD

    I wlda OPEN 2C = 8 TRX or 22+ Pts 🙂
    But with the given scenario, I wlda respond 2NT showing 18+ Pts 🙂

  28. Josh Sinnett

    Perhaps this hand was strong enough to open 2C, as it has at least 8 1/2 tricks in a diamond contract. 3NT shows a long running diamond suit, shortness in spades, and stoppers in the unbid suits. That is the closest approximation to what I have that I can show, I think.

  29. jyrki63

    I will temporize with a fake GF of 3C. It is safer to fake in a suit lower than the one held, so a fake reverse of 2H is out (we could run off the rails, if partner thinks I have real hearts, but clubs I can always correct back to diamonds). With my current regular partner we use a conventional forcing 1NT rebid. It includes this hand type and works like charm (pard calls it Diamond-Gazzilli) because for us a 1D opening denies a minimum balanced hand.

  30. Hanoi A Rondon

    On the HCP’s and general distribution, I choose 2NT. I prefer 3NT for those hands where my minor is solid or lacking only one honour. The more space we have, the better. 3!d is just awful, though; or maybe I’ve been left to play there one time too many.

  31. Joel Henry Thomas

    I’ll “toss the dice” and bet on only 1 loser IN D’S——–6N is a grabbag and REQUIRES too much from pard, but 6D’s ONLY needs KQ of S and a SINGLETON D to be a laydown. Not asking too much from responder who MAY NOT have another bid.

  32. Anonymous

    I play 2NT rebid as GF and either 18-19 bal OR 18-19 1-suiter (with subsequent bidding structure at 3-level to find out what’s what).
    Typical ‘problem’ hand, but not 4 me 😉

  33. Anonymous

    I was taught that bypassing 3N is forcing and shows a strong unbalanced hand with slam interest. I don’t want to make any bid P can pass, and bidding any 2-card suit as a 2nd bid makes me cringe. 3C would be my 2nd choice because the only lie is that I actually have C’s, and I like letting P know I don’t have H/S. After that? It depends on what P does.

  34. John W Selleck

    2NT as my P will only pass a bare minimum and I don’t see that happening. I have gone past the point of wishing certain cards into partners hand so no jump to 4 NT or 6 Dias. if P bids 3 NT I will bid 4 clubs, Gerber, to explore slam. if P shows the missing ace, I will ask for kings, and choose 6 Dias, 6 NT or beyond. My P will understand if I bid 6 Dias after Gerber I have a big Dia suit and raise to 7 with support.

  35. Anonymous

    3c is gf

  36. Anonymous

    6 diamonds

  37. Pertinax

    3NT — it show precisely something like this.

  38. franci aurelio

    io con questa mano non apro di un mio sistema prevede l’ apertura di 2 Q multicolor che prevede anche una monocolore minore di 19 + punti e’ l’apertura migliore per una mano di questo genere.

  39. Anonymous

    5D. Bid what I got, not what I imagine partner might have or what might make. If pd has an ace or KQ and dia honor, he might bid 6.

  40. Anonymous

    5D. Bid what I got, not what I imagine partner might have or what might make. If pd has an ace or KQ and dia honor, he might bid 6.

  41. Walter Kernsy

    I Open 2 Clubs with 4 Losers and 9 tricks, cause we respond 3 point steps !! I would know likely how high to go after partner makes 1 bid . Then there is NO problems. DOPI if THEY interferere for partners bid 0-3,4-6, 7-9, etc… Steps

  42. David Roussel

    2NT is a terrible choice. If you were planning to bid NT you should have opened 2NT and it could be argued that even that is an underbid. The safest lie in my opinion is 2H, a reverse forcing for one round. If partner has 4 of them he must have 5 or more Spades, so there is some safety there.

  43. Anonymous

    I opened 2C and rebid 2N what’s the problem? 😛

  44. For Walsh followers, this is a problem long since solved and documented (Hardy). BTW, you can deal yourself any number of hands in this genre by using one of my handy dandy constraint files to test out your ideas using a BBO bidding or teaching table.
    See and deal yourself a ton of them.

    Also note Hardy’s page 37 comment that “there is no rigid high card point requirement.”

    Hardy, Max. Two Over One Game Forcing – Revised. Louisville: Devyn, 1989. Print. p.37.

  45. Judith

    What did computer show the best option?

  46. Anonymous

    Just ask for Aces either 4C or 4NT

  47. Anonymous

    I will open as 2 club

  48. Anonymous

    I might have opened 2NT…

  49. Takis Bouras

    3NT is the more descriptive rebid. It shows 18-20HCP with 6ds, no 4 card side suit. P with slam interest will bid again.

  50. Anonymous

    2 nt eli en iyi anlatan deklarasyon bence,

  51. constantina

    2H. Super forcing shows strength (OK misleading it shows hearts), but keeps bidding low and we’ll see….

  52. Anonymous

    I like NT to protect my KC, and I’ve limited my hand.

  53. mark bolotin

    I would have opened 2N, as this hand is easily worth 20+ pts. I don’t want to risk that pd passes 2N or 3D. 3N traditionally shows running diamonds and stoppers in unbid suits, but is sometimes used with 1=4=4=4 hands that are 20-22 hcp. Still, it’s easily the best option at this point.

  54. mark bolotin

    3N. I would have opened 2N. Now, I can’t risk partner passing 2N or 3D. Any fake 2-card suit risks disaster. 3N should how running suit and stoppers in unbid suits. However, at this point it’s clearly the best option

  55. 2NT is not forcing. I might open this hand 2C in the first place with the length in spades accounting for 3 points. Partner’s hand is not limited. He knows I have 20-21 points for my bid.

  56. Anonymous

    If we play inverted minor, then 2K. This is forcing

  57. Phillip Day

    Slam is very possible. West has a 4 loser hand and East probably has 9 loser hand, maybe fewer. 4NT using S as the home suit to discover whether East holds one or two kings. If neither, retreat to 5D

  58. Jean-Marie KREMPP

    Did I really opened 1!d? I think problem exists only because the opening of 1!d is to my sense wrong. Now what can I do? I’d like 3!d if one promise me that my partner will not pass, otherwise 3NT seems to me the best gamble.

  59. David King

    Slam is possible, no matter what lead. Lead of Ace Clubs would set us up nicely. Rebidding diamonds can be passed. Could be vulnerable in NT once lead is lost for the second time. The hope is to discard losers on partners winning spades and draw all trumps with our long holding

  60. Anonymous

    How about opening 2C instead of 1D?

  61. Marsha

    4nt, I need how many controls.if 2 we will be in 6

  62. Anonymous

    The aspect that fascinates me is that the variety of bids 918) represented in the sample. it almost beggars belief.

  63. Mark Laken

    3C. Too strong for 2NT. Too much slam potential for 3NT.

  64. Enrique Lira

    3ST es gambling, pero quedando 6 cartas de D en 3 manos hay una alta probabilidad de que corra el palo (Q del partner o que ningún rival tenga 3 cartas), además de poder recibir la salida de T

  65. I bid 2NT. If partner can’t move because they bid a 5count 1S then game is probably not there. Over any suit bid at the 3 level 3N. Over the 3n raise I bid 4D slam interest. Bidding a direct 3N over 1S shows long diamonds, which I have but understates my values. bidding 3D over 1S probably understates my values. Bidding 3C could work out well as it a game force but things could get awkward when P raises clubs. Over a raise to 4C a bid of 4D is probably assumed to be a Q. If raised directly to 5C what do you bid? 5D? 6D? 7D?

  66. fuzzyquack

    In relatively natural systems I have no choice but to reverse/jump shift in a 2-card suit. I just hope to have good agreements so that I won’t get killed in a 4-2 fit. Still I don’t know why I haven’t opened 2N/2C in dependence of the metaphysics of the moment. In a Polish system NS, 2N by the opener forces game (could be with a 4-card fit in responder’s major).

  67. haggirl1

    4nt looking for a slam very possible using the rule of 24

  68. Mali

    The distribution is stronger than 3 dia bid,i play 3 dia as 15-17 6+ cards so My bid İS 2H to show more than 17.the bid to 2H will give to the partner idea of stronger hand,Then according to coming bid the next wil be decided.

  69. Anonymous

    Lacking an agreed to gadget, 3NT.

  70. Bruce MacDonald

    You wouldn’t have this problem if you had noticed your 4 loser 4 QT hand and opened 2c. 2c/2d/3d, not ideal but better than any of these dreadful rebids.

  71. Anonymous

    I’d open 2c to begin with, given the circumstances I’d bid 3d and i think 9/10 we get to the right contract