Knowing how to ask the right questions and answer them is key to improving your chances on any bridge hand, be it as declarer or as defender.
I’ll give you a hand along with a series of questions. First, try to answer them yourself, and then take a look at the answers.
At the end I’ll summarize the important things to remember. I hope you enjoy the challenge!
Dealer South, N-S Vulnerable
Here we have just the North and West hands, along with bidding. Answer the questions below and click the solution button when you’re ready to see how you’ve done.
Your sitting West. You agreed to play standard carding with partner (for attitude: high card encourages and low card discourages; for count: high – low shows even number of cards, low – high shows odd).
- What will you lead?
- You led the ♠3. Declarer won the trick in dummy with the ♠A (your partner followed with the ♠2). Declarer then played the ♥K (your partner followed with the ♥9), Heart to the ♥A (partner played the ♥3) and then the ♥J, which he ruffed after you covered it with your ♥Q (partner followed with the ♥7). Then declarer continued with the ♦Q which he took with the ♦A in hand, and then ruffed a Diamond in dummy. He continued with 4 more rounds of Spades discarding a Club on the last Spade (there are only Clubs remaining in dummy now). With 3 cards left, is it important to know what Diamonds your partner followed and which cards partner discarded?
- Which 3 cards are left in the declarer’s hand (and which suits)?
- Which 3 cards will you keep in hand?