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Author: Alex J Coyne

  • 4 Exercise tips for the bridge player’s mind

    Bridge is one of the best forms of mental exercise in the world. I’m glad that playing bridge doesn’t need to involve running, jousting, or tackling (at most clubs). The mental workout from bridge is more than enough for me, thanks. What else do you do to exercise your mind? Any mental exercise is good…

  • 6 Curiouser decks for your bridge club

    What are some of the most unusual card decks you’ve seen so far? If you can imagine it, there’s a playing card deck for it. Bargain bins, second-hand sales, and thrift stores of the world all hold incredible playing card-related finds. There are playing card decks of serial killers, but also playing card decks of…

  • 4 Online dangers for bridge players (& how to stay safe)

    It’s a jungle out there… I’m not talking about the song, even though some readers will naturally be singing it in their heads thanks to that sentence. I’m talking about the abundant, largely unexplored jungle that is the internet. If you’re an online bridge player, consider the jungle your playground. Would you head into any…