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Author: Alex J Coyne

  • 4 Things you can do with a lost bridge game

    While I’m sure very few players would say they enjoy doing it, we’ve all lost games. Losing is a natural part of any competitive endeavour. Statistics dictate that a Grand Slam is rare, and that losses will happen. A perfect score at any game probably means the player is cheating (or the game is rigged).…

  • 4 Ways to make bridge part of a busy day

    Immersion is one of the fastest ways to develop a skill. Students who dive into culture, memes, music, and even fiction first learn much faster than those who don’t.  It’s something that you’ll often notice when observing language learning, but it also spills over to bridge. Are you studying the game of bridge, and want…

  • Learning techniques with decks

    A deck of playing cards seems like a simple thing at first glance. With four suits and fifty-two cards, the card deck rivals thousands of tabletop and board games that are competing for our time. We could choose a game of Call Of Duty or Unreal Tournament for this week, but games played with a…