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Author: Diana

  • Updates to Instant 100

    Hello BBO players! We’ve made some updates to our Instant 100 games to make your playing experience even better. Here’s what’s new and why these updates are great: For those who might not be aware, there are two variations of Instant 100 available: BBO Instant 100 (8 boards, win BBO points) and ACBL Instant 100…

  • Thank you for joining the ACBL Winter Festival!

    We hope you enjoyed our tournaments.  Happy Holidays and see you online for more bridge (there can never be too much bridge!) Feedback, comments, suggestions are welcome in the comment box below. 

  • You hold… (#1)

    Have a go at this interesting deal from a previous Bidders Challenge contest. Submit your vote, see what the community bids are, and may the comments unleash (joking, keep it civil please! )