Author: Diana
Tools for promos, marketing, special events
This is a list of utilities you can use to organize fun promos and contests for your players. Please note that cash awards are not allowed. You can award BB$ prizes if you wish. Tourney Combos The link below can show combined scores for pairs who play multiple tournaments hosted by the same tournament host.…
August Leaders: Express – 4 Fast Boards
Need a quick pick-me-up? Try the new Express – 4 Fast Boards! Indy. 4 Boards. 6 minutes per board. BBO Point awards. 0.10 BB$ entry fee. Top 20 players who won most BBO Points in our popular Express – 4 Fast Boards tournaments during the month of August have been rewarded with BB$ 5 each. Well done…
[FIXED!] System issues: August 17-18
UPDATE: Problems fixed, everything back to normal. Thank you all for your patience! BBO has been experiencing system issues on Monday, August 17 and Tuesday, August 18. Symptoms are: some users are unable to login. On the web version of BBO, the page freezes before the login screen is loaded. On mobile, an error related…