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Author: cypress708

  • Intermediate Series #2 The Lead

    In this installment, we look a few hands and how we can use the knowledge gained from the lead to make some great deductions! It is often more important what the opponents don’t lead, than what they do…

  • Bridge Detective (Intermediate Series) #1

    In this video, we begin our sleuthing work during the auction. I implore the intermediate player to put all the pieces of the auction together as they come to you and take into account what is being said, and not said during the auction to make the best lead or bid possible!

  • Beginner Series-Taking Care of Partner!

    In this video, I discuss the importance of Taking Care of Your Partner. I believe this is the biggest shortcut to better results at the table. 1. Take Charge when you know what to do!2. Clear Signaling. 3. Know Thy Partner. And then finally, be careful about stealing your partner’s focus. Treat them well, and…