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Category: Prime

  • BBO Prime bidders challenge: System Information

    BASIC METHOD: Natural, Five-card Majors, 2/1 OPENING BIDS: One Diamond always shows a four-card suit, so One Club may be opened with a doubleton. Open One Club with 4-4 in the minors. 1NT is 15-17 in all positions and at all vulnerabilities. 1NT may include a 5-card major or a 6-card minor but will only…

  • BBO Prime bidders challenge: Our experts

    These are the experts who’ll be solving our monthly BBO Prime bidders challenge Alan MOULD (England). Alan is a former conductor of the ‘Marks & Comments’ feature in Bridge Magazine. He has represented England many times as a player, coach and npc, and won a European championship as coach of the England Women’s team in…

  • BBO bidders challenge (open to all)

    What is it? Every month, you’ll be able to take on a series of eight bidding problems. These problems will also be answered by our expert panel. Once the Hand of the Month is published you’ll have a month to answer. You’ll be able to see how your bids compare with the combined wisdom of…