When you set your rented GIB robot to play Precision, the robot plays a simple precision system, as described below.
You can click on any of the robot bids for an explanation, and pause your mouse over a bid you plan on making to see how your robot partner will understand it.
Please drop us a line at [email protected] if you spot any errors in this document.
Classic precision with weak NT (13-15), 1♣ is 16+ HCP, 1♦ shows at least 2 cards. 2♥ and 2♠ are weak twos. 2♦ is 3-suiter with short diamonds. 2♣ is either long clubs, or clubs and a major.
Opening Bids
Opening NT
1NT opening range is 13-15 HCP, no 5 card majors.
Continuations by partner:
2♣ = invitational stayman. Does not promise 4 card majors
2♦ = game forcing stayman
2♥/2♠ = natural signoff. Not a transfer.
2NT = transfer to minor; partner must bid 3♣
3♣/3♦ = invitational, 6 cards with two top honors
3♥/3♠ = game forcing, 6 cards
4♣ = Gerber
4♦/4H = Texas
2NT opening range is 20-21 HCP.
Continuations by partner:
3♣ = stayman
3♦/3♥ = transfer
3♠ = minor stayman
4♣ = Gerber
4♦/4♥ = Texas
3NT opening shows 25-27 HCP.
Continuations by partner:
4♣ = Gerber
Opening 1 Major
1♥ is 11-15 HCP, 5 cards.
Continuations by partner:
1NT = forcing 6-12 HCP
2♣/2♦ = forcing 1 round
2♥ = constructive raise 8-10 HCP
2♠ = 6 card, GF, 12+ HCP
2NT = Jacoby
3♣ = Bergen 6-9 HCP
3♦ = Bergen 10-11 HCP
3♥ = preemptive raise
3♠/4♣/4♦ = Splinter
4♥ = to play. Not necessarily weak
3NT = no fit. To play
Passed hand bidding:
Fit jumps
Opening 1♦
In first and second seat shows at least 4 diamonds.
In third and fourth seat shows at least 2 diamonds.
1♦ opening range is 11-15 HCP.
Continuations by partner:
1NT = constructive. 8-11 HCP
2NT = invite. 11-12 HCP
3NT = to play
2♣ = forcing 1 round. 5+ clubs
2♦ = inverted. 4+ diamonds, 11+ HCP
2♥/2♠ = strong jump shift. 6 card. 16+ HCP
3♣ = 9-11 invitational. 6 cards.
3♦ = preemptive raise
3♥/3♠ = weak
Opening 1♣. 16+ HCP. Artificial
1♣ precision opener, 16+ HCP
Continuations by partner:
1♦ = 0-7 HCP, artificial negative
1♥/1♠/2♣/2♦ = 8+ HCP, GF, 5+ cards
2♥/2♠ = 4-7 HCP, six cards
3♣/3♦/3♥/3♠ = 4-7 HCP, seven cards
1NT = 8+ HCP, balanced
2NT = 14-15 HCP, balanced
2♣ Opening
2♣ opening is 11-15 HCP. It shows either 6-card ♣, or 5-card ♣ with 4-card major
Continuations by partner:
2♦ = artificial, asking
2♥/2♠ = natural. Nonforcing
2NT = balanced invitational
3♣ = raise 8-10 HCP
3♦/3♥/3♠ = invitational jump shift. 9-11 HCP, rebiddable suit
2♦ Opening
2♦ opening shows 11-15 HCP and a three-suiter with short diamonds, specifically 4-4-1-4 or 4-4-0-5.
All continuations are natural.
2♥/2♠S weak twos
Continuations by partner:
2NT is feature ask
3 and 4-level openings are preemptive
Other conventional treatments
- Defence to 1NT
- X = penalty
- 2♣ = both majors
- 2♦ = one major
- 2♥ = hearts + minor
- 2♠ = spads + minor
- Michaels
- Unusual NT
- Free-bid is forcing e.g 1♥ – (1♠) – 2♣ = forcing
- New suit after overcall is forcing e.g (1♦) – 1♠ – (P) – 2♣ = forcing
- Doubles
- NO negative dbl
- NO support dbl
- Weak jump overcall
- Lebensohl
- after an overcall over 1NT
- after take-out double of weak two
- 1NT overcall –> system off
- after opponents’ take-out double
- new suit forcing
- XX 10+
- 2NT 10+ with fit
Leads and Carding
- 4th best from a long suit. Note it does not always lead from its long suit.
- Low from 3 small, against both suit and NT contracts
- High from doubleton
- Standard honor leads from sequence (K from AKx, A from AK doubleton).
- Standard carding (high-low shows even number of cards)
When GIB is following to partner’s opening lead, it will usually give an attitude signal:
- High spot card with an Ace or King
- High spot card with a Queen behind dummy’s Ace or King
- Low in any other situation
GIB leads and defends passively, including against no-trump. It almost never underleads an honor, either against suit contract or in no-trump. It doesn’t always lead its longest suit, including against no-trump. Do not assume GIB wants you to return its suit and do not expect it to return yours; it plays as neutral as possible to avoid gifting tricks to the declarer.
Advanced GIB simulates hands based on the auction, to determine the average result of each defensive play, and chooses the one with the best average. Note that sometimes this simulation comes up with the same choice that a human would make, but not always.