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Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Quiz: Test your bridge skills #12

    Dear BBOers, have a go at trying to solve these bridge problems. Depending on your answer you’ll score between 0 to 5 points per question. Your overall score will be displayed, along with the correct answers once you’ve complete the quiz. Good luck! [watupro 42]

  • Have you seen these movies from the tabletop gaming world yet?

    If you’ve been reading the BBO Prime Column for a while, then you might have already spotted regular references to movies and TV throughout. When a film or television show references cards or the tabletop, I enjoy giving other bridge players a lead in the right direction. Bridge references are hiding everywhere in popular media,…

  • 3 different ways you can lose your next bridge game

    I’ve spent some more time this month thinking about bridge games and losing. Losing is a natural part of competitive sports. Simultaneously, the act of losing is what all of us practice for and learn how to avoid. While I admit that it can teach, losing isn’t necessarily the best part of a game or…

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