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Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Short bridge clips (5 minutes or less)

    There’s a wealth of many great, longer bridge videos and lengthy lessons available online, but it’s fair to say that most schedules don’t allow for such large chunks of time devoted to viewing. When you don’t have as much time on your hands, there are just as many excellent shorter videos that can teach something…

  • Suit Combo Quiz #1

    How familiar are you with percentage plays? Maximize the expected number of tricks possible, based on the combination of cards your partnership holds in a given suit. Assume that you have enough entries to either hand to play the cards as you wish. What card will you play, for each of the suit combinations below?…

  • Interview with a bridge player

    I’ve recently come back to reading Interview With A Vampire again, and I’ve spent the past couple of days stuck on the soundtrack for Queen Of The Damned for background noise. While these might have nothing to do with bridge, the title of the eternally great Rice-novel made me imagine an appropriate post for the…

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