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Tag: Interview

  • Interview with Phil Clayton, winner of the 2019 Fall NABC Robot Individual

    Meet the newest NABC Robot Individual Champion, long time BBOer and expert player Phil (Phil Clayton). Phil managed a consistent ~70% performance on all three days of the 2019 Fall NABC Robot Individual, with 69.83% on Day 1, 70.82% on Day 2, and 70% on the final day, combining to average 70.22% in the overalls.…

  • V for Villanelle. Interview with BBOer Fred Rogers

    If you haven’t heard of villanelles before, you’ve been missing out on some great poetry. And yet at the same time, most people have heard of Villanelles without knowing it: “Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night” by Dylan Thomas is one of the most famous examples – and one that has stuck with…

  • Meet BBOers dromikete & sympaaa

    Romania is a small country that has rarely made the highlights of major Bridge championships. And yet at the World Team Championships in Wuhan this Cinderella team managed to reach the semifinals and eventually secured the bronze medal in the Mixed Teams Championship. We interviewed team members and today we have the pleasure of introducing you Mihaela Balint…