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Tag: Upgrade

  • Please Update your App!

    Please visit the appstore and upgrade your BBO app to version 5.6.9. If your system updates to iOS14, it is recommended to use the latest version of our mobile app. Older versions of the BBO app are not fully compatible with iOS14. Thank you for your cooperation.The BBO Team

  • Mobile app upgraded! Version 5.6.9 is here

    Version 5.6.9 of BBO mobile app has just been released! Go to your app store and search for “Bridge Base” to grab the app! Main change in this update is compatibility with iOS14. We will follow-up soon with more updates. As always, you can reach us at with comments, suggestions, bug reports.

  • Two new menus: Daylong Tournaments and Player Memo

    We have just made two small changes to the BBO navigation menus: There is a new Daylong Tournaments button in the COMPETITIVE area. Daylong tournaments have been removed from Robot Tournaments, BBO Points Tournaments and Robot World, to help unclutter the list of “live” tournaments. There is a new Player Memo button in the list…