Dear BBOers, you are welcome to try to solve these 4 bridge problems. You will win a score, ranging from 0 to 5 points for each question, and the final results after you complete the quiz.
[watupro 10]
85 responses to “Quiz: Test Your Bridge with Oren”
Thanks. 6pts: It says I lack experience, theory, or both.
Cannot argue with that!
Nord me fait une proposition à 3T me faisant savoir qu’il a des Trèfles et des points au moins 18HLD, je conclue à 4P … et vous ?
doesn’t say what I should have done ?
Very nice quiz, learnt something. I look forward to the next! Thanks.
Molto utile. Spero che ne pubblichiate altri. Grazie.
I full agree with your analysis. I have learnt something today. Thanks.
Nice Quiz
funny and interesting this
many thanks
Molto utile grazie . Spero ne facciate altri
Very good quiz &analises. Thanks. V. J. Puranik. India.
Thanks for your comments.
When it comes to trial bids, in our system the player who starts the bid has to show his hand and the partner asks for controls if he sees the chance of a NT conclusion.
solution on q1 is done on 4th lead, normal in my country is 1-3-5-th lead
Thanks for your comments.
I got lucky and bud 3d on first hand. Other problems all clear.
Thanks I learn a lot from your examples
Conni Hovers
Terrific learning tool – please do more of this.
Thanks. I enjoyed it.
Bruce B
my answers depended upon partnership agreements. So asking for a spade stopper or showing a Heart stopper depends on that. Very interesting quiz.
Thanks a lot.
Really fun to do and totally humbling. I see how much I STILL don’t know. It’s why it’s such a great game. Thank you Oren for these quizzes.
I need a quiz like that in my ‘in-box’ every day!! Learned a lot and was a bit humbled by my result!
I was confident that I answered all correctly, and then was shocked when only one was correct. I will always remain a newbie.
Thank you for the quiz and explanations. Another teaching experience.
I really enjoyed this quiz and the analysis.
Great quiz. Helpful answers. Thanks.
I liked this analysis. It provided some guidance on defence. Most ACBL guidance is on playing the hand. Thanks
V. Natarajan ( Baddha in BBO)
Nice analysis. We await more such quizzes.
Thank you very much for your explanation. I have to learn more theory.
Strongly disagree with the answer to #1…You have 4-3-3-3 and a minimum hand, regardless of the Q clubs, 3S is the right bid.
excellent bridge teaching! I’ve also got ‘lack of both theory and experience’, cannot agree more!
enjoyed –
would like it to be a regular thing
Great quiz. More please. I didn’t do well but I learned a lot.
There is another line of play in solution 4. west may have no dia if the X can be for take out to 5 hearts or 6 club. = he may have 1 spade 5 hearts no dia. 7 clubs. So trick 1 ruff with ace of dia.spade to ace queen of clubs toss a spade is more fun 🙂
Hi, informative, enjoyed even if did not do well. Please more
I would trump the first club high and create 1 or maybe 2 more entries to the board …the 8 of diamonds for sure and possibly the 4. And of course the ace of spades. Options.
Re-read the analysis. Your line will fail because you lose a spade to the wrong hand and a heart shift defeats the contract.
Carlos Recolons
Muy buen analisis, gastando honores altos sobrantes para crear nuevas entradas con 8 y 4 de diamantes y poder afirmar las espadas. Gracias
I agree. It would be great to have a hand everyday to work on. Thanks.
I think the 1st question is very close, and depends on partnership style. You have 4-3-3-3 shape (downgrade) and no tens (downgrade.) You didn’t specify form of scoring or vulnerability (it looks like all white?) but even though I guessed what you would say the correct answer is, I am happy to take the plus (I hope) in 3S assuming matchpoints or not vul.
I think your sample hand is also misleading because what makes the hand is your 0 HCP in H opposite partner’s shortness. Maybe partner should make a short suit try if you’re going to be fancy?
The other questions, the correct answers are a lot less debatable.
Thanks for the quiz and the follow up with clear explanations. So much to learn !
An excellent quiz. I thought of the correct answer on both of my mistakes but used poor logic to discount my analysis
Can we have more please
I learned about Smith Echo. Thanks for the quiz and explanations.
Thank you I would also like to see more quizzes. Interesting for me was my first thought on q1 and 3 were right but then I started to think lol. thanks again Oren
Excellent! I got them all wrong! Very interesting!
Thanks. However, the past tense of lead is led! 😁
Enjoyed! Awlays great to drill a little theory! Sort of liked 3s better on hand one…but tried see it your way,,
thx Oren!!!!~
Jeszcze dużo nauki przede mną!!!
Great stuff. Would like more. Thanks, Irene
again, wonderful.
Utile al dilettevole grazie
THANKS.Iwould love to have DA in place of DK to bid 3D.If 3C is a suit then since I have 9 losers and only 2 cover cards my bid has to be 3S.If opener had shown a singleton heart then with my 3 cover cards the correct bid is 4S.However that is possible only if one plays botrh the SST AND LST.
Just testing the comments in here. I posted a comment in the “Phil wins” thread and it’s not appearing.
Thanks again
Prob.2 When you play the H-7 is your partner certain you have the H-A
The quiz was excellent and so were the answers
anlaştıktan sonra söylenen 3. renk onun tek olduğunu ve elin zon yapacağını gösterir
Please continue with such type of quiz in future also
solo hay un problema????
I don’t think lack of focus was my main problem, more likely a lack of knowledge, and unfamiliarity with the bidding system being used, but maybe the computer was just trying to be polite ???
thought provoking quiz – Oren is an excellent teacher!
Chuches 56
Mil gracias por los comentarios me parece muy útil, así podemos seguir aprendiendo
excellent quiz!! thank you for posting it! another gem from Oren Lidor
15 points , 3 answer ok, ty for the Quiz it is great !
flat hands with Q and Js do not accept game tries
For a verb that is used more than any other in the game of bridge, might be a good idea to spell it correctly. The past tense of “lead” is “led.”
Fixed the typo.
Excellent quiz
I tend to agree with jonottawa. Although I guessed the answer you wanted (why would you have a quiz that just wanted you to sign off at 3S?), the first hand depends a lot on partnership style. Do you play aggressive invites and solid accepts? Or do you play sold invites and aggressive accepts? Either one can work fine (I prefer aggressive invites at IMPs and solid invites at MPs).
If you play aggressive invites, then I think the hand you showed needs to sign off at 3S. If you play solid invites, then 3D is probably right at IMPs (especially vul). At MPs, I still think it’s close.
The other problems are very instructive and have only one clear answer.
Tending to agree with jonottawa will never steer you wrong.
Doh! I didn’t mean to make that reply anonymous.
Thx so much for all ur GREAT responds (weather agree with me or not 🙂
The idea of a game try (or help suit try) is to .. ask help in that suit .
So having a 3-3-3-4 shape is not always relevant , as P didnt ask about ur shape .
Another example to make it more clear : U hold xxx xxx xxxx AQJ . 7 points with 3-3-4-3 . Same bidding (1sp-2sp-3cl)
P cd be with AKQJxx xx x Kxxx for his bid and 4sp is cold (while if P bids 3d with AKQJXX xx Kxxx x – u sign off with 3sp) = bid 4sp
The original question of the quiz: .. P cd still bid 3sp after 3d unless he is sure ur help is good enough.
Very good quiz – please do some more. Similar comment to Bruce B above
85 responses to “Quiz: Test Your Bridge with Oren”
Thanks. 6pts: It says I lack experience, theory, or both.
Cannot argue with that!
Nord me fait une proposition à 3T me faisant savoir qu’il a des Trèfles et des points au moins 18HLD, je conclue à 4P … et vous ?
doesn’t say what I should have done ?
Very nice quiz, learnt something. I look forward to the next! Thanks.
Molto utile. Spero che ne pubblichiate altri. Grazie.
I full agree with your analysis. I have learnt something today. Thanks.
Nice Quiz
funny and interesting this
many thanks
Molto utile grazie . Spero ne facciate altri
Very good quiz &analises. Thanks. V. J. Puranik. India.
Thanks for your comments.
When it comes to trial bids, in our system the player who starts the bid has to show his hand and the partner asks for controls if he sees the chance of a NT conclusion.
solution on q1 is done on 4th lead, normal in my country is 1-3-5-th lead
Thanks for your comments.
I got lucky and bud 3d on first hand. Other problems all clear.
Thanks I learn a lot from your examples
Conni Hovers
Terrific learning tool – please do more of this.
Thanks. I enjoyed it.
my answers depended upon partnership agreements. So asking for a spade stopper or showing a Heart stopper depends on that. Very interesting quiz.
Thanks a lot.
Really fun to do and totally humbling. I see how much I STILL don’t know. It’s why it’s such a great game. Thank you Oren for these quizzes.
I need a quiz like that in my ‘in-box’ every day!! Learned a lot and was a bit humbled by my result!
I was confident that I answered all correctly, and then was shocked when only one was correct. I will always remain a newbie.
Thank you for the quiz and explanations. Another teaching experience.
I really enjoyed this quiz and the analysis.
Great quiz. Helpful answers. Thanks.
I liked this analysis. It provided some guidance on defence. Most ACBL guidance is on playing the hand. Thanks
Nice analysis. We await more such quizzes.
Thank you very much for your explanation. I have to learn more theory.
Strongly disagree with the answer to #1…You have 4-3-3-3 and a minimum hand, regardless of the Q clubs, 3S is the right bid.
excellent bridge teaching! I’ve also got ‘lack of both theory and experience’, cannot agree more!
enjoyed –
would like it to be a regular thing
Great quiz. More please. I didn’t do well but I learned a lot.
There is another line of play in solution 4. west may have no dia if the X can be for take out to 5 hearts or 6 club. = he may have 1 spade 5 hearts no dia. 7 clubs. So trick 1 ruff with ace of dia.spade to ace queen of clubs toss a spade is more fun 🙂
Hi, informative, enjoyed even if did not do well. Please more
I would trump the first club high and create 1 or maybe 2 more entries to the board …the 8 of diamonds for sure and possibly the 4. And of course the ace of spades. Options.
Re-read the analysis. Your line will fail because you lose a spade to the wrong hand and a heart shift defeats the contract.
Muy buen analisis, gastando honores altos sobrantes para crear nuevas entradas con 8 y 4 de diamantes y poder afirmar las espadas. Gracias
I agree. It would be great to have a hand everyday to work on. Thanks.
I think the 1st question is very close, and depends on partnership style. You have 4-3-3-3 shape (downgrade) and no tens (downgrade.) You didn’t specify form of scoring or vulnerability (it looks like all white?) but even though I guessed what you would say the correct answer is, I am happy to take the plus (I hope) in 3S assuming matchpoints or not vul.
I think your sample hand is also misleading because what makes the hand is your 0 HCP in H opposite partner’s shortness. Maybe partner should make a short suit try if you’re going to be fancy?
The other questions, the correct answers are a lot less debatable.
Thanks for the quiz and the follow up with clear explanations. So much to learn !
An excellent quiz. I thought of the correct answer on both of my mistakes but used poor logic to discount my analysis
Can we have more please
I learned about Smith Echo. Thanks for the quiz and explanations.
Thank you I would also like to see more quizzes. Interesting for me was my first thought on q1 and 3 were right but then I started to think lol. thanks again Oren
Excellent! I got them all wrong! Very interesting!
Thanks. However, the past tense of lead is led! 😁
Enjoyed! Awlays great to drill a little theory! Sort of liked 3s better on hand one…but tried see it your way,,
thx Oren!!!!~
Jeszcze dużo nauki przede mną!!!
Great stuff. Would like more. Thanks, Irene
again, wonderful.
Utile al dilettevole grazie
THANKS.Iwould love to have DA in place of DK to bid 3D.If 3C is a suit then since I have 9 losers and only 2 cover cards my bid has to be 3S.If opener had shown a singleton heart then with my 3 cover cards the correct bid is 4S.However that is possible only if one plays botrh the SST AND LST.
Just testing the comments in here. I posted a comment in the “Phil wins” thread and it’s not appearing.
Thanks again
Prob.2 When you play the H-7 is your partner certain you have the H-A
The quiz was excellent and so were the answers
anlaştıktan sonra söylenen 3. renk onun tek olduğunu ve elin zon yapacağını gösterir
Please continue with such type of quiz in future also
solo hay un problema????
I don’t think lack of focus was my main problem, more likely a lack of knowledge, and unfamiliarity with the bidding system being used, but maybe the computer was just trying to be polite ???
thought provoking quiz – Oren is an excellent teacher!
Mil gracias por los comentarios me parece muy útil, así podemos seguir aprendiendo
excellent quiz!! thank you for posting it! another gem from Oren Lidor
15 points , 3 answer ok, ty for the Quiz it is great !
flat hands with Q and Js do not accept game tries
For a verb that is used more than any other in the game of bridge, might be a good idea to spell it correctly. The past tense of “lead” is “led.”
Fixed the typo.
Excellent quiz
I tend to agree with jonottawa. Although I guessed the answer you wanted (why would you have a quiz that just wanted you to sign off at 3S?), the first hand depends a lot on partnership style. Do you play aggressive invites and solid accepts? Or do you play sold invites and aggressive accepts? Either one can work fine (I prefer aggressive invites at IMPs and solid invites at MPs).
If you play aggressive invites, then I think the hand you showed needs to sign off at 3S. If you play solid invites, then 3D is probably right at IMPs (especially vul). At MPs, I still think it’s close.
The other problems are very instructive and have only one clear answer.
Tending to agree with jonottawa will never steer you wrong.
Doh! I didn’t mean to make that reply anonymous.
Thx so much for all ur GREAT responds (weather agree with me or not 🙂
The idea of a game try (or help suit try) is to .. ask help in that suit .
So having a 3-3-3-4 shape is not always relevant , as P didnt ask about ur shape .
Another example to make it more clear : U hold xxx xxx xxxx AQJ . 7 points with 3-3-4-3 . Same bidding (1sp-2sp-3cl)
P cd be with AKQJxx xx x Kxxx for his bid and 4sp is cold (while if P bids 3d with AKQJXX xx Kxxx x – u sign off with 3sp) = bid 4sp
The original question of the quiz: .. P cd still bid 3sp after 3d unless he is sure ur help is good enough.
Very good quiz – please do some more. Similar comment to Bruce B above
Thanks. I enjoyed it.
Please try to update more quiz.
why do not ruff D high?