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Quick Bridge Horoscope for 2020

Wondering about your future? Here’s a brief look at your bridge horoscope and possible prospects…

Aries – 21 March to 19 April

Aries are strong leaders who can make it to victory with careful plays, with less fussy ways of getting to the ending. Careful when picking your contracts, as you might bite off more than you can chew at a game this month – and your bridge partner’s confidence may waiver as a result of overstating it.

Taurus – 20 April to 21 May

The Taurus is naturally stubborn and sometimes goes in head first. True to its representing constellation, the Taurus sometimes goes ahead like a bull in an antique store, convinced that their way is the only right one. Think twice before placing your cards: A card played now is bound to affect your game later.

Gemini – 22 May to 20 June

The Gemini is highly intelligent, but sometimes struggles to make up their mind when it comes to what to do next. As true to the constellation as can be, the Gemini finds themselves “in two minds.” Learn how to agree with your bridge partner so you can act as a twin-partnership instead of working against one another.

Cancer – 21 June to 22 July

The Cancer relies on instinct and feel combined with careful thought to make their decisions. When it comes to the bridge table, you might want to trust your intuition – and be sure not to turn someone away when they might need a helping hand or shoulder at the bridge table: As one of the more emotional signs, you might be able to help.

Leo – 23 July to 22 August

The Leo is a fiery leader (albeit occasionally a stubborn one). Now might be a great time to take on something like a bridge tournament or big game: Your leadership skills stand to serve you well. Just make sure they don’t get in the way of a good game and consider your bridge partner.

Virgo – 23 August to 22 September

Virgos are one of the most loyal signs there are: When it comes to situations that test your loyalty or cooperation as bridge partners, you’re sure to come out on top. Just make sure that you aren’t putting absolutely everyone before yourself. Do too many people rely on you and you alone?

Libra – 23 September to 22 October

The Libra acts as justice: You’re one of the fairest signs there are, and you can’t look the wrong way in the face of any injustice. If a situation comes along that tests just how far you’re willing to push your morality, make sure you don’t fall for it.

Scorpio – 23 October to 21 November

Scorpio is another fiery star sign, but it’s often a little over the top. You’re going to run into situations where you’re sure that you’re 100% correct and that nobody can prove you wrong. Remember that you can be wrong, too, and sometimes it’s admitting it that makes you the bigger person.

Sagittarius – 22 November to 21 December

The Sagittarius is a perpetual thinker: But don’t think too much or you might see good opportunities pass you by – and other people at the table telling you to hurry up. Think, but don’t overthink it.

Capricorn – 22 December to 19 January

Capricorns are determined, and usually this can be to their benefit. As a Capricorn, it might be time to take a closer look at ways you can out-think the questions you’ve been facing: There’s always a way to answer the question or solve the puzzle.

Aquarius – 20 January to 18 February

The Age of Aquarius refers to far more than just a song from Hair: It might mean that this year turns out to be one of the best you’ve had in a while if you play your cards right. Do something different: Take the bus more, change your hair, play a game on the other side of town at a neighboring club.

Pisces – 19 February to 20 March

The Pisces is a water sign, which means that it can occasionally feel like a “fish out of water” in strange environments. If this happens to you, close your eyes, count to ten and reset: Everyone gets overwhelmed from time to time – and it’s how you react to it that matters.


8 responses to “Quick Bridge Horoscope for 2020”

  1. Anonymous

    Few dates missing 🙂

    1. Diana

      @anon thanks, fixed 🙂

  2. clarak

    good idea

  3. Erik Wied

    Embarrasing. BBO should be above associating itself with the obvious bogus astrology in any way.

  4. Anonymous

    Ha Ha … As an Aquarian it looks like I am being asked to go and play elsewhere…..that just about sums it up ! Sorry , not going anywhere 🙂

    1. Anonymous

      Coming soon:

      Fashion by Bboers and who wore it better.

  5. Anonymous

    One of the great things about the BBO crew is their delightful sense of humor… whoever wrote this knows enough about astrology to be really sly in giving useful bridge tips to players — regardless of their signs. Well done! Please, please, keep it up!

  6. anonyme

    bizarre c’est mon cas??????????????