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Brave Nude World

Who would not make a negative double over 1 to check for a 4-4♠ fit en route to 5♣ or 6♣ — easily reached if my loveable pard (Wayne Penrod) rebids 3♣, via 4 splinter or simply 4NT RKB♣.

We’d score +920 for 92%. But scruv’s wrinkled bridge-brain suddenly succumbed to under-wear: “We’re gonna beat their PANTS OFF!”

So seeking that magic vul, +200, he cleverly PASSED 1X. 🙁

I felt naked terror! My opening lead was a ♣ but we took only 2♠ + 2 + A for a smooth & spiffy -360 dry-cleaning. “Ju.-u-u-u-ust a little shorts!” In 55 years of bridge I never took such an ironing. We’re the only pair of sox in the laundromat to score less than +420.

Alas, the Emperors have no clothes, not even raggedy panties. As Groucho Marx famously sang to the tune of “Torreador” – – “Where are my pants, give me my pants! Bring me some pants, I want my pants!” Believe it or not — we still hit …… the low OVERALLS! 🙂


14 responses to “Brave Nude World”

  1. Anonymous

    Time to change P .

    1. Razorsharp

      Then how could I enjoy the sweet torture?

  2. Rajeev_Deo

    Nothing but a Nude tragedy at the lowest level of (1H) overcall !!!!

    1. Razorsharp

      Yes,it was quite the pusillanimous pulsar 🤯

    2. Razorsharp

      The perfect bridge tragedy – in about 200 words. Whets the appetite🤑

  3. Anonymous

    2h better overcall

    1. Razorsharp

      Yes, much better!! 2❤️X would have scored +670 instead of +360

  4. ColieCam

    Oh c’mon….Small spade tp the A, diamond to the A, K of spades, spade ruff, Club ruffed in dummy and not covering the heart from dummy leads to down 1 in 2…Would I defend that way? Always when it’s a test….otherwise minus whatever.

    1. Razorsharp

      Get real, CC – there’s a little red button called GIB right there at the bottom that proves 2❤️ is cold on any OL. 🤬

      1. Anonymous

        Excu- – – – – se me, 1❤️ is cold

  5. Anonymous

    We all have had instances where we have snatched defeat from the jaws of victory. I, for one, have had it many times, too many times.

  6. Anonymous

    very witty palaver. I would have titled the little tidbit Victoria’s Secret however.

  7. Yasberry

    very witty palaver. I would have titled the little tidbit Victoria’s Secret however.

  8. ColieCam

    So Mr. Razor,
    You remind me of those early internet trolls with your sarcastic putdowns.. Instead of depending on GIB, whose BBO Bots lie often and defend like novices, explain why my explanation on defeating 2 Hearts doesn’t work.