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Video: How To Play Your Suits Right

Play this week’s Free Instant Tournament then see how you compare to multiple Australian National Champion and representative Peter Hollands.

Playing your suits right pays dividends.


9 responses to “Video: How To Play Your Suits Right”

  1. suebe

    loved listening to your assessments of “what” was where and what was possible. wish I could process that quickly. Thanks

  2. rickypwc

    Peter, these videos are enormously helpful… listening to you articulate your thinking processes has proved invaluable to me.. THANKS

  3. JulDang53

    Wonderful videos…extremely helpful in all parts of your analysis. Making me a better thinking player. Wondering what is happening when you click on a hand and you see red 1’s and 2’s?

    1. gwnn

      Red 1 means that if that player plays that card, the contract goes down 1 on perfect play by everyone. Red 2 is down 2 etc. A green “=”, “+1”, etc means that the contract makes (with overtricks perhaps) on perfect play.

  4. sarale10

    Most helpful videos, much appreciated Pete!!

  5. Anonymous

    with 4d and 5c and an opening hand which suit do you open?
    omly 13 or 14 pts.

  6. Anonymous

    Want learn the game

  7. Anonymous

    Helps a lot, thank you.

  8. Franci

    Helps a lot, thank you.