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Quiz: Test Your Bridge Skills #7

Dear BBOers, have a go at trying to solve these 4 bridge problems. Depending on your answer you’ll score between 0 to 5 points per question. Your overall score will be displayed, along with the correct answers once you’ve complete the quiz. Good luck – and stay focussed!

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39 responses to “Quiz: Test Your Bridge Skills #7”

  1. Ken Warren

    3S – this hand has almost no value now

    If 3D is forcing to game then

    3NT – important to let partner know about the wasted values in diamonds

  2. Kevin

    I agree, 3D should be game forcing.

  3. I agree with Ken. you must discount the duamonds to 1 point making the hand almost worthless. so ou shod sin off at 3 Sp

  4. Wolfgang eulenhoefer

    3dia is self splinter ( 16+hcp total points 18+ )

  5. Anonymous

    I would take 3d as forcing

  6. ismail hakkı koçar

    no value of bid D 3 S is forcing

  7. Anonymous

    3D is not a splinter bid you need lessons

  8. Anonymous

    on hand 1 assuming 3d is game force i would bid 4s
    fast arrival – shows no interest in any further exploration

  9. Cherry

    3D is splinter, but it still leave doubt whether 3S or 4S is the weakest bid, depending on partner agreement. And also, what’s the scoring, IMP or MP? If MP, it make more sense to try 3NT(and in MP, also more likely partner would pass it)

  10. Anonymous


  11. franknight

    Depends on your agreement of splinter bids. Double jump or unnecessary single jump? And game force or not. I play splinters non forcing to game and the bid here is clearly 3S.

  12. Anonymous

    Depends on strength promised by splinter bid

  13. Anonymous

    don’t think enough value to go to game

  14. Chandrakant B Baxi

    Bid 3 NT.

  15. Carlos Mariani

    3 S

  16. Leslie Kelinson

    My hand is of no value plus my spades are not good

  17. Anonymous

    3 S

  18. Anonymous

    that’s all !

  19. Geoffrey Evans

    I also would bid 3NT

  20. Anonymous


  21. Anonymous


  22. Anonymous

    A of ♦️

  23. Dov Moran

    These are great quizzes/challenges and wonderful lessons!!!

  24. Anonymous

    …3D – forcing 4414? 4315? 4216…would bid 3D with this? …No. bad holding in diamond… still 4s may only bring 9 tricks holding XXX in Clubs… 3Nt looks correct.

  25. zenderger

    4 sp

  26. Michael Shapiro

    Another excellent quiz. Very instructive.

  27. 3D by North is a jump, showing at least 15 total points. With 8 hcp, no distribution points, no proper stop in Hearts (unless Q in the 3-suit H can be considered partial stop) South can bid 3S – that will be both safe and game forcing.

  28. Christian Bertin

    Vanue of South’s hand imust be devaluated when North . A Spade contract is preferrred to a noj trump one knowing the fit. How would yoiu get back to dummy fojr cashing the two diamo.nd extra winners iif you cannot ruff ?

  29. Anonymous

    3 d is forcing with good fit in spades- I would bid 4 spades

  30. Cyril Pulver

    Me too

  31. Warrenmcgo

    3 S – this let’s partner know the hand looks minimal to him.

  32. Anthony

    With not a ruff in sight why play in Spades? Given likely Diamond lead plenty of time to set up dummy suit, 3N looks best

  33. Anonymous

    I would bid 4 d

  34. Anonymous

    3S as not enough points for game

  35. Nicole McManamny

    3S hand is not worth to game

  36. Cama

    3 d is not splinter but jump reverse. Some experts call it mini splinter.

  37. donald d Slater

    4 spades

    1. Selma Block
