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Quiz: Test your Bridge Skills #9

Dear BBOers, have a go at trying to solve these 4 bridge problems. Depending on your answer you’ll score between 0 to 5 points per question. Your overall score will be displayed, along with the correct answers once you’ve complete the quiz. Good luck – and stay focussed!

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41 responses to “Quiz: Test your Bridge Skills #9”

  1. Anonymous

    I luv this quiz. John Nancekivell

  2. Michael Shapiro

    Excellent. I always learn so much from these quizzes.

  3. Great quiz.

  4. Mihai Buta

    Test #2: 3Sp bid (as you suggest) promises 15 points, which you do not have. 2 Sp is the correct bid.
    Test #3: Overtaking the Qsp lead is dumb. Lose one sure trick. Losing Clubs can go nowhere.

  5. Richard Anthony Jr

    I only have a problem with #2…2spade vs 3spade call.. rather “hope-eum”

    1. majo

      it’s not only about the 3card support but also about the kind of points you have (aces are perfect!!), count the losers and make corrections…
      If you had 13 points and only queens and jacks, nobody would suggest to bid 3S!

  6. Vasant Marathe

    The last question and answer were simply fantastic. I had to read the response three time s to understand the correct play to succeed. Thank you.

  7. Brian Sims

    Buta. You need to view hand #2 again re both of your comments.

  8. Dave Pelletier

    It would have been better to indicate the vulnerability / non-vulnerable of both sides.

  9. Anonymous

    Can’t wait for the next Quiz

  10. Giorgio De Blasi

    Nella prima, il 3Picche potrebbe venire da una bicolore e il doubleton scartinato, non autorizza un appoggio diretto. Rimango della mia idea

  11. Anonymous

    Loved it Looking forward to the next one Your explanations teach a lot

  12. Nick

    Love the quiz

  13. Anonymous

    Making me think more. Thanks

  14. Anonymous

    Great learnings Thanks

  15. Anonymous

    Thanks pal , liked the quiz

  16. Anonymous

    Very good quiz.

  17. Karen Smith

    Great quiz thank you

  18. Anonymous

    Interesting and entertaining, thank you.

  19. Anonymous

    Très intéressant….. merci pour tous les conseils…il y’a bu boulot… à la prochaine..

  20. Anonymous

    excellent questions and explanations, was fun and certainly makes one think

  21. 1cola

    why not 3NT >> forced bid
    it only means that no 3 spades & 2HS & no singleton m.
    and with what he has, let himself say 4 spades !
    after 3 of hearts he has 4 spades to bid !

  22. laxi

    Learned a thing or 2,thanks

  23. George T Zolovick

    #2 Many pairs now use two way check back allowing responder to make an invitational bid with his prime spades and hearts thereby getting to game. In this sequence he could have less asking only to choose.

  24. Anonymous

    A good quiz well presented and explained.

  25. M.S.Ramaswamy

    Deal No.2
    We play 2 way Check back, 2C invitational and 2D forcing to game. So bid of 2H is non forcing. So bid of 2S as we play is correct.

  26. Anonymous

    great little quiz

  27. PUJING

    duck to win! Brilliant!

  28. Anonymous

    David T

    Very good quiz.

  29. Excellent and instructive

  30. Anonymous

    Love the quiz


    very interesting Hope I will learn from this

  32. Trudi AND Dicks

    Thank you I enjoy the quizes very much

  33. Anonymous

    very nice!!!

  34. tuncay

    very good exam,


    Oh Dear! How stupid am I. But I have learned a lot!

  36. alain doche

    Thank you for inviting us to complete this quiz. It was very beneficial.

  37. Ute Langen

    I like the quiz and your explanations

  38. Anonymous

    are the responses/plays the same whether you are playing 4 or 5 card majors and weak or strong no trump ?

  39. Anonymous

    Both interesting and useful- many thanks GV

  40. Anonymous

    Wow! So much to learn …thank you very much