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Quiz: Test Your Bridge Skills #10

Dear BBOers, have a go at trying to solve these bridge problems. Depending on your answer you’ll score between 0 to 5 points per question. Your overall score will be displayed, along with the correct answers once you’ve complete the quiz. Good luck!

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65 responses to “Quiz: Test Your Bridge Skills #10”

  1. Anonymous

    Excellent Quiz. Great practice and then time to consume the correct answers and explanations!

    1. Michal

      Great quiz. Everything about it.

  2. Anonymous

    Thanks, I like these quizes.

  3. Rich Marchione ACBL Certified Director, ACBL teacher, ABTA member, author and GNYBA Board Member

    On problem 3 it would be nice to mention the lead convention the defense plays. Declarer bidding on with three losing hearts seems a little unlikely as it makes who has the singleton a 50-50 proposition between declarer’s partner and the premature balancer’s partner. I expected declarer to be 6-1-3-3 or so and therefore a heart return wasn’t going to work. If partner’s presumed six points or so include the Kx of spades, I would expect to win a the first heart, partner’s natural spade winner, then a diamond ruff by me, then a heart ruff by partner. Seems reasonable?

    1. Anon

      I agree 100%

    2. Phil

      Not reasonable. If a Spade is played at trick 2, Declarer would win the Spade Ace, Club Ace, Club ruff, Heart ruff, Club ruff, Heart ruff and give up a Spade. Declarer makes 3 Spade tricks, 2 Heart ruffs, 2 Club ruffs, Club Ace and Diamond Ace for 9 tricks. If a Club is returned at trick two the result is no different.

      1. Phil

        So, taking Rich’s assumption that Declarer is 6133, you cannot defeat the contract. If West holds the Club Ace, West cannot have the Spade King and a Diamond honor, and the contract makes on a different line. The lesson is: don’t take unnecessary (and dangerous) finesses.

    3. Michael DiLeo

      that was my thinking as well.

  4. Anonymous

    Way too complicated for me. I would not want to partjivipatr again.

  5. Anonymous

    Complicated for beginners…would be nice to have several levels of quizes…

  6. Maureen Szal

    Like the practice, even though I have a long way to go.

  7. Owen Lasker

    I liked the quiz and your explanations made me see where i went wrong. I only got 2 out of 4, but contemplated the correct answer on the ones i got wrong.. Thanks

  8. Chris karabinas

    Was not aware of your lead convection for this question. Otherwise I would have returned a heart. Sure wish your robots used better signal routines.

  9. Anonymous

    Good quiz. Your comment about my score is insulting. Be a little gentler.

  10. Anita1290

    Good quiz.. Lots to think about

  11. Anonymous

    This was an interesting quiz. Although I did not do well, I found that I had at least considered the answers that were correct. Your explanations helped me to learn.

  12. Judith Morissette

    I would like to receive this quiz. My partner sent it to me. Thank you juju4

  13. PUJING

    excellent exercise!
    agree with the comment reg. Q3. without the carding info, it’s impossible to arrive to the right answer.

  14. Anonymous

    Thank you. This really makes you think!

  15. Correia. Ulysse

    very good

  16. Correia Ulysse


  17. Anonymous

    boy,do I need help!

  18. Carol Jenkinson

    Very good

  19. A . Mandal

    Very good , more like this please

  20. mesut kutuk

    really good thanks

  21. Danny Gesua >>>> BBO DannyG7

    On Hand 1, North’s hand could easily be KJ of diamonds, in which case 3NT is a good contract, requiring either the DQ onside or the DA onside and the Diamonds 2/2. Certainly, Vulnerable at Teams, I would want to be in 3NT, but even at Pairs, it seems to me to be a reasonable shot for a Top or Bottom!!

  22. Ella

    excellent quiz. Q3, how could I return the Aof H?.Delarer plays the 9 by rule( of deceptive play). I am waiting for more to practice.

  23. Anonymous

    I got 2 out of 4 right. I really enjoyed your quiz and your explanations have certainly widened my thinking pattern for future games. Thank you so much.

  24. Anonymous

    this level of bridge is from another galaxy for me
    I think these quizzes should be more frequent so I (we) can learn more
    Thanks to bbo and Oren

  25. Anonymous

    thanks but next should be more difficult please !!!!!

  26. Alexander

    Yes , much fun!!! Keep on going!

  27. Robin

    0/4 score for me, but a useful experience: thanks!

  28. Anonymous

    Good practice

  29. Anonymous

    çok iyi bir sınav,

  30. Anonymous

    süper bir çalışma

  31. andreina

    I would like to receive your comment to my answers, thanks

  32. Michael Pnto

    Most educational. I particularly dig the NT game with the caveat that the firt C should be ducked to retain entry. that thought never crossed my mind. Great logic and reasoning

  33. Anonymous

    bone domande

  34. Anonymous

    buone domande


    Good & very useful logical explanations, to improve our skiils for better play, provided Partner also understands this and follows !

  36. Anonymous

    Thanks….I needed this badly having never had an opportunity to have play explained to me.

  37. Agnes

    Excellent practice, even if I could do much better; would love more of the same, pls. & thx.

  38. Anonymous

    2 out of 4 thought I would have done better tells me I am not so smart more please.

  39. Anonymous


  40. Michael Shapiro

    Another great Oren Lidor quiz. I especially liked this one because I got 3right. 😀

  41. Sisyphus0

    Not bad as a teaching quiz. The hands have fairly clear lesson points. Problem three is somewhat ambiguous, obvious at IMPs or if the carding agreements are clearly known, but somewhat unfair for the relative novice or intermediate level player. Of course at match points you would have some field protection as your opponents are almost certainly underbid if South holds a singleton heart. Of greater interest on that hand though is that East-West are making 4 Clubs suggesting that East might have been better off entering the auction with 2NT (unusual) though not clearly a better bid in theory holding the sixth heart.

  42. Luscannon

    Need more of the same…and learned what I already knew…NT is always where I do best…playing or defending.

  43. Anonymous

    Good quiz need to learn about signals.

  44. jahangir

    nice job

  45. Anonymous

    interessante quizi da meditare

  46. Julian Foster

    Enjoyable. Very dependent, however, on having a good partner…….

  47. Carolyn

    Loved the quiz and explanations! Don’t want this to turn “political”, but: I was merely confused when you referred to my partner as “them” and “they” — but when you went on to refer to allowing “themselves” to bid…. oy, have we totally surrendered grammar to political correctmess?

  48. Lindsay Campbell

    Interesting and instructive. How can I access more of these?

  49. David

    Thank you. More please

  50. ASBaath

    Good, stimulates mind for logical and in-depth thinking.

  51. jennahaze

    problem 2) how can you fail to bid 2S
    2C bidding is already bizarre
    4H partner will always fold only after 2s you can play 6 🙂

  52. Anonymous

    Loved the quiz and the explanations. Need to find out
    about signals. Thanks.

  53. Anonymous

    I would like a lot more of these quizzes. Perhaps 2 different levels?

  54. Anonymous

    Where do I find quizzes 1 thru 9?

  55. Anonymous

    This is good for improve calling and defence.

  56. Frank

    On hand 2 the sensible choices are 2S and 4H. I selected 2S, because my hand could hardly be better. Partner should not expect more than a first round control, a second round control and a trump honor. I would have bid 4H with a doubleton diamond. The sample hand for partner is balanced and at the lower end of the range for the auction he has selected. I would expect partner to bid 4H over 2S or, if he felt optimistic, to make one move and then abide by my decision.

  57. Michael DiLeo

    “Well, as we agreed to play 2/4 (attitude) leads, then the lowest card means your partner either has honor with 3 or 4 cards, or they led singleton.” When did we agree to that? I thought partner could lead 3 from 3-4-5.

  58. sara lebow

    Love the quiz, most informative, a great learning experience; please do it again

  59. David Bradbury

    Would need to know what conventions are being used.