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Two Famous Card Games (That Don’t Actually Exist)

Do you have an affair with any other card games when bridge isn’t in the room?

We’re all here as fans and players of bridge. Contract bridge is one of the world’s most famous card games; but if you love bridge, I’ll bet that you also enjoy playing others.

I’m known to play Exploding Kittens, poker, Go Fish, and cribbage. There are also other games that I’ve discovered during my research. That’s actually what this post is about. Why am I mentioning it? These games stand out… Because they don’t exist.

If a friend invites you to play a game of Fizzbin, think twice about why they asked. Fizzbin isn’t technically real.

Here’s a look at two famous card games (that don’t actually exist).

       1. Fizzbin

Fizzbin is a card game from the Star Trek-universe.

The game first appears in A Piece of the Action. Season 2, Episode 17 of Star Trek: The Original Series to be more specific.

Captain James T. Kirk invents Fizzbin as a clever distraction. While guards are involved in a card game, Kirk figures that their focus will be somewhere else. That’s the idea.

If you think learning bridge conventions can be difficult, try the rules of Fizzbin.

  • Fizzbin is played using a regular card deck.
  • The rules of Fizzbin are meant to make absolutely no sense.

The point of Fizzbin is total confusion.

Just look at this… A supposed Royal Fizzbin is known as the following:

A king, a two, a jack, a six, two queens and two aces during the day, and a queen, a four, an ace, an eight, two kings, and two jacks at night.

It’s the perfect card game for occupying anyone you hate for an inordinately long time.

       2. Mystic Warlords of Ka’a

Mystic Warlords of Ka’a is a fictional trading-card game from The Big Bang Theory.

Its first appearance is in Season 5, Episode 3.

Mystic Warlords of Ka’a isn’t the only fictional game from the show. This is where Rock, Paper, Scissors, Lizard, Spock originated – except RPSLC is a playable game, while their TCG is not.

While the game doesn’t exist at all, it’s one that most trading-card fans would wish did. From what the show reveals, the game just sounds cool.

Cards that have been mentioned include the Hellephant, the Cursed Mace, and the Endless Serpent. There are others, like Fire Serpent.

Thanks to the Big Bang Theory’s official blog, fans got to see a theoretical picture of Enchanted Bunny.

The game also mentions at least two expansion packs for Mystic Warlords, one of which is named Satanimals.

If it ever gets invented, I’m sure it would be great!


One response to “Two Famous Card Games (That Don’t Actually Exist)”

  1. Sharon

    The odds of a royal fizzbin are said to be astronomical. Spock has never calculated them. (This was one of my most favorite comic bits in Star Trek.)