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BBO Prime bidders challenge: Hands of the month #12

Here are the hands for December. Think through the problems below and send your answers to [email protected]. Entries close on November 28th. Please include your name, BBO ID and location (city/country) when emailing in your answers.

Prime subscribers will be able to see the answers and expert comments in the second week of December in BBO Prime. Click here to find out more about what Prime has to offer.

The winner of each monthly competition receives a month’s subscription to BBO Prime and 50BB$. At the end of the year, the competitor with the highest cumulative total from their best nine scores will win the annual title and the prize of three month’s subscription to BBO Prime and 200BB$. One entrant picked at random each month will also receive a three-month subscription to BBO Prime.

All deals this month use IMP scoring:

Hand #1

Hand #2

Hand #3

Hand #4

Hand #5

Hand #6

Hand #7

Hand #8


22 responses to “BBO Prime bidders challenge: Hands of the month #12”

  1. vega carla

    In the first best is 2S
    partner for sure 3d and we 3NT
    now for sure lead in the heart and we will win very easily
    maybe was one down (lead S or D) 🙂

  2. vega carla

    hand #8 > this is called > a bidding with a robot 🙂
    lack of explanations 3D, at least two possibilities
    1) fit spade + good diamonds invite to 4S
    2) NT on diamonds, rather six
    in first we will win six spades (clubs control needed)
    in the second case, maybe we will lose four
    (lead a singleton club, maybe 3NT better)

    1. IanDayre

      3D is a superacceptance of Spades.

  3. Anonymous

    Looking for 8 answers Vega Carla, not a monologue!

    1. vega carla

      how can you give the correct answer
      if you don’t know what 3D means #8
      you don’t know this game ? 🙂

  4. xiaoqi Zhou

    1) 2NT

    2) 4H

    3) 4NT

    4) 4NT

    5) 4H

    6) 2S

    7) 5S

    8) 3NT

    1. Naphets

      1. 3NT: clearly and no doubts
      2. Pass: No lonely decision, Give Problem to your LHO
      3. Redouble: making it expensive
      4. 3d: to give pd the Chance to bid 3h
      5. 3d: to give pd the Chance to bid 3h
      6. 2s:
      7. 5d: pd will Single or void in Clubs
      8. 4s: More is only possible if pd has ace of clubs

  5. PatelD1

    1. 4NT assume partner has stopper in Heart . minimum 5C or 6club will be final
    2. 4H. Partner most likely to have 1 or 0 clubs
    3. Pass. No need to double. Partner already have doubled.
    4. 4NT
    5. 3H partner has 13 points and with 8 hearts 3H is good to make. Heats will be broken among 3 or among opponents. A worth risk to take.. Avoid NT with void and singleton.
    6. 1Spade
    7. 5 spade
    8. 4Spade

    1. Anonymous

      My answers were identical to yours. Ergo, we must be correct .

  6. Anne

    1. 3NT
    2. 4H
    3. 5C
    4. 3NT
    5. 4H
    6. 2S
    7. 5D
    8. 6 S

  7. Arlan

    1. 3NT
    2. Pass
    3. 5♠️
    4. 5♣️
    5. 3♠️
    6. 2♠️
    7. Double
    8. 6♠️

  8. vega carla

    this time, hands are really cool !
    the easiest is # 7
    there is only one answer, matching to each hand 4S

  9. Tony Gauci

    Prefer to have answers, right away, to compare, Too old to wait ( dont buy green bananas anymore) , so thank you to those that answered. a little comment is ok

  10. Gawoodstock

    Hand #1. 2 clubs. Sets hearts and shows pts
    Hand #2. 4 spades. Partner is passed hand
    Hand #3 5 clubs. Room for partner to adjust
    Hand#4. 4 nt if 3014. 5 clubs if 1430. Do not want to go pass 5 clubs if no ace
    Hand#5. 4 ht. Law of total tricks
    Hand#6 2 sp. jump with 10 pts
    Hand #7. 5spades. Even doubled down 2 is better.
    Hand #8. 4 spades. Partner has 2 spades at least

  11. Anonymous

    I think it was Board #16

  12. cola

    in eighth/8. it looks best
    bid liked by experts (last train 🙂 cue) – 4 clubs
    only if we’ll see the same experts 🙂

  13. Jyrki Lahtonen

    1. 3NT.
    2. Pass.
    3. 5S.
    4. 5C.
    5. 4H.
    6. 2S.
    7. 5S.
    8. 4H.

  14. Nicholas G

    1: 2H. 2: 4H. 3: 5C. 4: 5C. 5: 4H. 6: 2S. 7: 5S. 8: 4S.


    Hand #1 2C new minor forsce

    Hand #2 4H good sp position and hopefully 1 loserr in h

    Hand #3 5C
    Hand #4 4nt with std blackwood if he responds 5c pass if he has ace of hearts 6C 0314 also works same
    Hand #5 4H with 10 trumps rule of total tricks
    Hand #6 2S show max game invite with your response
    Hand #7 5S you have max values P has points somewhere likely k of Sp and A of hearts. May have singleton Club
    Hand #8 6S

  16. Pam Seaman

    1. 3NT
    2. Pass
    3. Pass
    4. 5 clubs
    6. 2 spades (jump showing 9+ pts)
    7. Pass
    8. 4 spades

  17. Pam Seaman

    forgot 5. 3 diamonds (NMSF)

  18. Richard Montong

    1. 3NT
    2. 4♥️
    3. 5♣️
    4. 4NT
    5. 3♠️
    6. 1♠️
    7. 5♦️
    8. 5♥️