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3 Signs of a toxic bridge partnership

There are bridge partnerships famous for being created in Heaven, and other partnerships that could only have been forged together in the depths of Hell.

Bridge partnerships are formed every day. Finding a new bridge partner is as easy as an invitation or mouse-click.

But are all bridge partnerships healthy and fulfilling to be in?

History has proven that some bridge partnerships should never have been. The infamous Bridge Table Murders gives us just one example of possible abuse behind the closed doors of a bridge game.

I’ve written about potential bad signs from your new bridge partner for the BBO Prime Column before, although the topic is worth revisiting for this post.

Could your bridge partnership be toxic, and healthier to abandon faster than a sinking ship?

Here’s a look at 3 signs of a toxic bridge partnership that you should always take seriously if you see them.

1. Aggression

Aggression should always be a playing tactic within a gaming partnership, and never a personality trait for any of the players.

Manifestations of aggressive behaviour, or regular instances where one bridge partner will snap or fire off at another cannot be considered normal.

If aggression characterizes your bridge partnership in any way, seek help, or get out.

2. Verbal Abuse

Verbal abuse isn’t as blatant as a slap to the face, but international research and personal experience can speak volumes about the short and long-term consequences of verbal abuse.

If it happens once, it can happen more than once. If you are already in the habit of ignoring abuse or making excuses for it, then it’s already approaching more serious than you imagine.

Can you report any verbal abuse or snappy behaviour from your bridge partner?

Move on: there are much nicer players out there to share a table with.

3. User Reports

Reports from other bridge players about the behaviour of your partner should always be taken seriously.

Abusers and other unsavoury characters will rarely cross the line “just once”, but bad behaviour is often an escalating pattern of things.

Can you name a couple of times where your bridge partner was way over the line?

Consider finding an ethical, kind partner to share your next game with.

Have you ever found yourself in a bridge partnership you didn’t want to be part of?


One response to “3 Signs of a toxic bridge partnership”

  1. Anonymous

    Hope you’re doing OK.