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Author: Csaba Daday

  • Video: gwnn and blink128 (Csaba and Emiel) play in the EBU

    Emiel (ex-junior player from Belgium) is a new youtuber, he recorded several top team matches he played. He and I recently played an EBU tournament, both of us providing live commentary during play. Emiel edited our two video feeds together, showing the most interesting decisions from each sides. We hope you’ll enjoy it! Make sure…

  • Video: gwnn remembers jlall

    I think many people have heard of the passing of Justin Lall earlier this week. Justin was a bridge rock star/example to me and later also a friend. He was a lot of fun to talk to and there are a lot of funny stories about him around (check out the BW thread about him).…

  • Video: gwnn and Hupenmann try an EBU tournament

    Fabian and I tried our luck in an EBU tournament last week. We had a fair amount of Polish Club auctions and interesting decisions. I hope you like it. PS sorry again about Board 7. 🙁