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Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • File Extensions for Bridge

    Online bridge is about a lot more than just bids, tricks, or strategy. Since the start of bridge for PC and mobile, we’ve had file extensions. File extensions refer to the prefix that’s attached to files as identifiers, like .exe or .doc. Without this identifier (or the right program installed to open it), the system…

  • 6 Things An Opponent’s First Card Can Tell You

    A lot has been written about opening moves. We’ve all heard some of the popular maxims as bridge players. “When in doubt, lead a spade,” is just one of possibly thousands of them. But what about the things an opening card for the trick can tell you about your opponent? The opening move of a…

  • Video: gwnn introduces Polish Club

    If you are playing on BBO a lot, chances are, you will run into Polish Club (or WJ, short for “Common language” in Polish). At first, the system will seem confusing, and in an online tournament, asking about/explaining each artificial bid is chaotic. People on both sides get annoyed. This is understandable; many Polish Club…

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