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Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • 4 great bridge drills for improving your ability

    I’m a big advocate of using quick quizzes and practice drills as an easier way to learn bridge. While memorization might help to get the initial information into the brain device humans use to think, it’s putting the same information into practical use that helps us to cement it. We remember things, because we regularly…

  • Can digestion distract from bridge?

    I once asked bridge legend Zia Mahmood about distractions from the game for an interview. His response mentioned a game in Russia, toothache and the lack of a nearby dentist as a distraction that stood out to him most over years of professional, serious bridge playing. I’ve found toothache similarly distracting during bridge and board…

  • 5 tips for freshening up bridge play

    Bridge play is new to thousands of people, but familiar to thousands of others who used to play bridge and then stopped participating in the game. Places change, people move, life gets in the way and people find the gaps between their bridge games getting larger. But then, the same people often have something that…

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