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Tag: Hand

  • A perfect Yarborough

    Yarborough: A hand containing no card higher than a nine. Harold was bored. All evening he got terrible cards, he did not get to declare a single hand. His lovely partner tried to cheer him up: “Unlucky in cards means Lucky in love”, she said with an encouraging smile. Harold didn’t find that comforting. He was…

  • Wanna bet?

    George and Benny are good friends and Bridge partners. They also like to bet on all sorts of stuff (small bets, not heavy money) . They bet on almost anything: lottery, backgammon, football and other sports etc., but also on everything they disagree about. First they argue until one of them drops the ultimate challenge:…

  • La vita è bella

    Playing with a friend on BBO, you have this hand in 1st seat, Vulnerable vs Not Vulnerable. You are South: Do you open?  Rule of 20 says Yes.  If your hand was: It would be clear to open, when you have all your points in your long suits. You should disregard rule of 20 if…