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Tag: Hand

  • Le Bridgeur’s Hand of the Month Exercise

    Adapted after the French magazine Le Bridgeur‘s column “Hand of the Month”, May-June 2019. This hand was nominated for best played hand of 2018. IMPs, all vulnerable. Comments on the bidding North-South have agreed to play the 1NT overcall as strong and natural. It certainly lacks the stop in hearts, but it is the practical…

  • 1 IMP Away

    Moses returned home in a bad mood. “What happened?”, asked his wife. “Did it ever happen to you, that you did an absolutely perfect thing, and you were so proud of yourself… only to find out someone else did better?” “Too many times: When I scored 99 at Math in high school but Norma got…

  • Defending against a good declarer

    It is interesting being a defender and facing the best line of declarer play. This problem was inspired by one of the Bridge Master hands, where we know we always have to take the best possible line as declarer in order to complete a level.  But how about if you defend against one such declarer? …