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Author: Alex J Coyne

  • 2 great tabletop & card films to see right now

    One thing that seems to be true for most bridge players is that they are, in some or another way, fans of the tabletop endeavour in general. I encourage bridge players to dip their hands into other games, including trading-card varieties, It enhances your strategy, teaches you to think in other ways, and expands what…

  • The Tarot Session (& The Bridge Game)

    Tarot and bridge are related arts, and I’ve always found myself studying both. It’s only recently, though, that I realized that the tarot reading session looks much like the bridge game at a glance. The Tarot Session Versus The Bridge Game First, the atmosphere has to be right for the session. The good tarot reader…

  • Smartphone disasters interrupting your bridge (& how to fix them fast)

    An online bridge game requires little more than an internet connection, and a PC or smart device. At least some knowledge about high-card points, trumps, and bidding helps. But what do you do when your smartphone malfunctions spectacularly, or disaster strikes outright? Without a smartphone that functions smoothly, it can be pretty hard to play…