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Category: System

  • [Fixed] Network problems: August 30

    UPDATE: We think the problems our users were seeing were caused by an outage with CenturyLinks (formerly Level3). According to their Twitter, service has been restored. We are able to confirm that all services impacted by today’s IP outage have been restored. We understand how important these services are to our customers, and we sincerely…

  • Guide for submitting bridge articles

    Thank you for submitting your bridge article to be published on BBO. We accept word documents, pdf, emails, offline messages on BBO, and in general any communication where the text is clear and the hand diagrams are available in web format. Authors familiar with blogs and online publishing can be granted access to our blog…

  • Tools for promos, marketing, special events

    This is a list of utilities you can use to organize fun promos and contests for your players. Please note that cash awards are not allowed. You can award BB$ prizes if you wish. Tourney Combos The link below can show combined scores for pairs who play multiple tournaments hosted by the same tournament host.…